A very interesting article that talks #degrowth, wellbeing, donut economics, strategy:
Achieving "satiation" is the key. It applies to lifestyles, business, narratives.
Achieving "satiation" is the key. It applies to lifestyles, business, narratives.
To achieve higher levels of Honesty, Responsibility,
we need smaller habitats, less complex cultures.
Building these thru #LocalEd
with #ReDesignHigherEd Solution Hubs
=accelerating opportunities for #RightLivelihood
Organized efforts = #JustTransition
Many hands = light work
Time for pro-solution majority in world
to create their own #lowimpact #sharing economies
with minimal material-intensive infrastructure
Supply lines which only support
#PermacultureResilientEcosystems #PeacefulSanctuaries
will deflate and diminish destructive markets
Examples Accelerate
Just “flatline” your income, maybe adjusting slightly for inflation. And for expenses, downright go downhill!