Sam & Max are incredibly fascinating characters. However, the game is not one of Lucasarts' best adventures, as it has puzzles that require some surreal thinking. Also, there's TOO.MUCH.MUSIC - and much of this music isn't that great at all. Finally, it's too darn long.
No, we have different tastes. I tend to not appreciate the muzak used in several rooms (such as the Ball of Twine), just as I never managed to like the music in the town on Booty Island in Monkey Island 2. As a matter of fact, I don't think every room in an adventure game needs background music.
By far, my favorite MI soundtracks are SoMI and CoMI. Problem is that in the latter, due to the use of pre-recorded two-channel stereo audio, iMuse was gelded (it only worked - somewhat - in the banjo duel with Edward Van Helgen).
Where does that leave MI2, then? Well, the title music is fantastic. I loved every piece of music on Woodtick. Booty island? Hmmm... Not especially. Phatt? I could take it or leave it. I thought it was forgettable. LeChuck's castle was good. And iMuse worked great on that game.
oh man i love this game so much, neither knowing the comic book lore its based on, nor whatever sequels they made with the telltale formula...just conroy bumpus vibes and something about twine idk and idc