was out today and saw way way way too many Trump hats and a young mom with a shirt saying We Are Saying Merry Christmas Again with 45 and 47 on the sleeves. I need to formulate how I am going to respond to this without starting too much of an incident. Leaning "nice hat bozo"
1. Ignore you (win for you)
2. Reflexively says thanks (admits he's a bozo)
East Coast says 'fuck you' thinks "hello"
West says says 'hello' thinks 'fuck you'
normalize just saying fuck you
I caught covid once, from my ma, this past July.
I'm not getting it again. My stamina is fucked up, my taste is still off, and my breathing sucks if i do anything super taxing.
Im still annoyed.
Gave it to me on the car ride back. Because I can drive on I-95, she can’t