Load bearing memory is a great description. Eyes in the back of his head, and what an arm. What a clip too! Buddy, Kotite, and Jeff Fisher. Reggie running to Freddy! The Marlboro billboard, and buffalo didn’t have a video board? Like it was the dark ages.
Still kind of mind-bending that a team with Randall as MVP, Reggie White, Seth Joyner, Eric Allen & Jerome Brown was a distinct 3rd in its own division, and that it wasn't anything to be ashamed of b/c it was that bad a neighborhood
Literally everything Randall does here defies explanation, from no-look ducking Smith in the end zone to throwing while backpedaling across his body SIXTY YARDS THROUGH THE AIR *INTO THE WIND*
It's harder these days to hear inflections in crowd noise, but back then you could hear the roar as he's about to be sacked, the deep breath when the ball is released followed by near silence, then the groans as the ball is caught.