That sums him up!
Right where he belongs.
The King of trash.
*maga moron homes n offices 😘
**always pose idea as question to avoid self incrimination ala FowNewz😊
Then they had another one this week after he’s elected . Never seen this before in any other election.#CULT
Probably working on their neighbors deportation lists.
How are those states deciding everything? WTH
“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
This man is evil personified!!
The US, always ended other countries coups, & we need 2 act towards setting that up, bc soon the coup will complete our isolation, then comes the oppression, already set to go.
#ThatCheeredUsUp 💙
I stared dumbfounded. I just realized that he was MAGA, just making trouble.
#OhhhTheIrony There only play is to #ownthelibs. 😏
Guess, he doesn’t like my pinned post.
BTW, I also left Facebook, today. Although, I hadn’t posted in eons.
I dumped Facebook in 2016 because of the propaganda being pushed about Clinton. Wow, this has been a long journey for me.
Congratulations to throwing that trash to the curb! Choose positivity and happiness will follow.
#AGoodPlaceToInterAct #Thx
(not long at all after January 6, 2021!)
🎨 🖌️ ✊ 🇺🇸 💕
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#LeftTwitterToday #DeportElon
He's smellin' up the whole place
Trumpster Dumpster fire 🔥
THE OVAL OFFICE or what is left of it that is