pass. Why is he not upholding the constitution a person who tried to overthrow the GOV CANNOT serve. let alons the felons connection to russia, the south african who has been working with russia for over 2 years. Biden has total immunity. I get it, he is a patriot and he needs to act like one
Now... Sir... With tears in my eyes.
14:3 of the US Constitution is on you.
Your oath specifically names you as the one to Preserve Protect and Defend her from all enemies Foreign and domestic so Help you GOD.
Sadly though, some of his decisions and the decisions of those around him have helped lead us to where we are now. He shouldn’t have ran for a second term. He shouldn’t have supported the genocide in Gaza. We’re now just months away from civil unrest and deaths.
😂😂😂 Nah you cant be serious, the guy is a fucking ghoul.
Now... Sir... With tears in my eyes.
14:3 of the US Constitution is on you.
Your oath specifically names you as the one to Preserve Protect and Defend her from all enemies Foreign and domestic so Help you GOD.
Sadly though, some of his decisions and the decisions of those around him have helped lead us to where we are now. He shouldn’t have ran for a second term. He shouldn’t have supported the genocide in Gaza. We’re now just months away from civil unrest and deaths.
(Really aren’t there enough real pictures of him? This is creeping me out)