ARSTM promotes research, teaching, and civic engagement exploring the communicative and persuasive dimensions of scientific, technical, and medical texts, genres, practices, materials, and settings.
And, we are concerned with how scientific, technological, and medical discourses shape and are shaped by broader rhetorical, cultural, historical, and material forces.
Submissions may cover any area of the rhetoric of science, technology, and medicine. This includes - but is not limited to - the rhetorical analysis and criticism of:
1. Scientific, technological, and medical texts, materials, practices, and genres...
… 2. The production, deployment, invocation, and contestation of scientific ideas and technological visions in political, professional or disciplinary, and literary or social contexts (e.g., policy debates, controversies, popular culture)...
1. Scientific, technological, and medical texts, materials, practices, and genres...
4. Issues of social justice as they intersect with scientific, technological, and medical problematics.
See you in Denver! 👋