flashback to decades of trying to convince my mom to lower her damned expectations because the only thing an IQ test can predict is how well you're likely to do on future IQ tests
Exactly. Any correlation anyone suggests between "high IQ" and performance in other areas comes with at least one — if not several — confounding factors.
A high test score says you performed well at certain kinds of knowledge & cognitive challenges at a specific time in a specific place. That's it.
(I think all our academic theories of intelligence are just groping in the dark, but if I had to align myself, I'd side with Howard Gardner, who I think is probably the Least Wrongest.)
A high test score says you performed well at certain kinds of knowledge & cognitive challenges at a specific time in a specific place. That's it.
I mean, we can see DAILY now that being "smart" in one area of life absolutely does not mean you are smart in other areas.