It's fucking not right that these rich bastards have had that much power that they've been able to get away with all this x. Evil bastards all of them. X
To true. I don't understand why there's not more in news about Trump . Did you see the court statements from the young girl that he and epstein raped . In the statements from the girl a 12 year old she begged Trump to use a condom. He threw money at her and said get an abortion. I'd love to smash
It’s horrific! Always seems to be the same demographic, men with money, not used to being told no. They could buy whatever they want and then some, but decide they want what they can’t have. Also, I have no words for those who cover it up, just as bad.
In some ways, I think the ones who cover it up are worse. The rapists are fucked-up terrible people following their own awful impulses; most of the cover-uppers are nice normal people who made choices for the sake of their career or a quiet life or because the rapist had so much to offer the world.
On the news yesterday they were interviewing a Sun journalist who smugly said they were all aware of the climate of fear at Harrods back in the 90's. And yet they didn't investigate, publish or anything.
Apparently EVERYONE at Fulham football club knew, to the extent that they always made sure to never leave the women footballers alone with him. And OK, I'll award a point for protecting their own women from rape, but how about all the other women?
It always is about control and possession and sycophancy enables it whilst intimidation prevents people speaking up.
Sorry I am not helping but I do feel the same anger 😡