Journaling has really helped me with this. I process it better, and it keeps me aware of how much space the issue is taking up. Like, “i wrote about this last week, why am i writing about it again? what did i not address?”
I was ruminating before I knew what it was a couple months back. The best thing to do is when you catch yourself say out loud “I am ruminating.” Calling it out helped me cut the habit of spiraling.
Bilateral adhd audio. Rihanna breaking dishes, shaed trampoline are good song as a reference. Place device under your chin. The speakers bounce waves differently and somehow your brain will relax. Try it let me know.
Talk about it with people whose opinions you value. Sometimes hearing someone else tell you why you shouldn’t care or gives you good advice on how to get your mind off of it helps a lot. It helped trained my mind to do so myself!
I use distraction with something healthy in the moment. As soon as I notice myself ruminating, I interrupt it and ask myself what could be better use of my time right now for healing this shit? Then do that.
I have the same problem and find cycling to be my place to “get off the treadmill.” What I call getting stuck on things. Maybe some activity like that could help?
The moment I start to dislike something in the slightest, my brain goes