Ok, well, tell us about yourself, Tyler. What do you like to do, what is your mother like? What’s something she taught you that has stuck with you in your life?
40 years old, married 21 years, father of 3, grandfather of 1, combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. Mother is a tough ole bird, and if I cross her, she will put me in my place. Taught me to stick by my spouse through the darkest times, and not quit. That was the biggest one.
Well, thank you for your service. I do appreciate that. Most liberals do. Are you a conservative? If so, are you conservative because you feel as though the America you grew up with is changing and you don’t like it? If not, what is your opinion on the new generations?
That’s a complicated answer… policy wise, I want the government to be as minimalist as possible. The smaller the government, the least intrusion on our lives. Technocratic progressives are the antithesis of our founding.
I agree with the gov not intruding, like the gov intruding on women's bodies, and condemning trans people who are just trying to live. You sound like you want live and let live, conservatives have declared war on American people. I don't think any Liberal is trying to regulate your body/lifestyle.