Firstly what is fusillé pour l'exemple?
French military phrase for a soldier executed after a decision by a military court. It literal sense means to be shoot as an example, a way to remind troops in stay in a state of obedience.
During the war 694 soldiers were shot
French military phrase for a soldier executed after a decision by a military court. It literal sense means to be shoot as an example, a way to remind troops in stay in a state of obedience.
During the war 694 soldiers were shot
Eugen Albaud shot 14th February 1916
Born 27th August 1880, at Keriado in the Morbihan
Pre-war would work around the country as a waiter
His pre-war Criminal Report was colourful....
21st May 1915: Abandoning his Post - sentenced to 5 years in prison, was reduced on appeal to 60 days in prison.
2nd Feb 1915 - Drunk and throw his Kepi away (8 days)
Same day - arguing (extra 4 days)
15th March - missing roll call in the morning, reappeared at 17hrs (8 days)
Did he change after his 6th stay in Prison? No
6th Sept - Stealing
20th Sept - Attacked violently a fellow solider for no reason.
In addition insulted his 20e cie officer LTN Poliniere after stating
“he was making the compagnie stupid”
On 25th Sept 1915, did not take part in offensive due to “illness – bronchitus” on the 23rd September.
Then again on the 8th December 1915. Where he is then moved to the 14e Compagnie
-Stealing food reserved for the next day
-6 litres of wine
-Causing a disturbance at night 3am
-Assaulting a Sergent and threating others with a rifle