Start of the Battle, even before it starts Petain is nowhere to be seen....
Did he go to Verdun in January to review defences? No
If this visit had not happened, Verdun would have never held long enough for the Petain story to happen.
What happened on 20th January 1916?
Did he go to Verdun in January to review defences? No
If this visit had not happened, Verdun would have never held long enough for the Petain story to happen.
What happened on 20th January 1916?
-De Castelnau visits, where multiple decisions were made, but for me it was crucial for 2 reasons:
1. First it meant that somebody senior is taking the rumours now seriously (Joffre was not)
2. it got a senior officer on the ground
1. Pass RFV over to Army Centre (de Cary📸)
2. Order work to be done on right bank defences, plus add support positions on slopes
3. Tells commanders to reduce number of soldiers in frontlines
4. 2 new division sent to Verdun to help with work & 15 new artillery groups
-Even a couple of days before the battle Joffre told Haig, Verdun is not the main target
Wheels are now at least in motion... to start preparing Verdun (all be it slowly)
19th February: next crucial decision
- 20e Corp sent to Verdun who play a pivotal role in stopping the Germans on the 25th Feb
Who sent them? Petain, no. It was De Castelnau
-18th Feb: Captiane Doumenc was put in charge of traffic logistics along a road from 'bar le duc to Verdun' Later known as: the Voie Sacree
Obj to move: 12,000 men & 2000 tons of good a day
-22nd Feb: Road was up and running and supplying Verdun
Still no Petain at this point, Battle is being run by Gen Herr who is now at breaking point and overwhelmed