Just when you think you understand C++ templates...
I'm a little surprised that I can't SFINAE on the evil "pack expansion into non-pack parameter" error. Is there a way to change the implementation of `call` or `callable` to get the following code to compile?
I'm a little surprised that I can't SFINAE on the evil "pack expansion into non-pack parameter" error. Is there a way to change the implementation of `call` or `callable` to get the following code to compile?
I say I think because I lack context: I had to made some assumptions about your intentions. Here's the link:
Years ago I was doing alias recursion. I realized aliases evaluate eagerly, so I learned lazy tricks: { delay, force } inspired by SICP.
Given a template T and types Args..., I simply want to know whether T
I will say that the image I posted is unrelated to my godbolt link.
What I do know is your "hard error" is due to eager evaluation of "call". I'm sorry I couldn't help.