The bill Fetterman is planning to vote for will punish hundreds of thousands of DC residents for no reason. Why is the only option to shut the government down or vote for this bill, written exclusively by the GOP when they lack enough votes to get it through the Senate
So many seem to be asking for the ride.
Authoritarians like to take control of the capital city as a way of stifling dissent.
I would say shame on you but you have no shame.
He's been bought.
The medical bills from his stroke and subsequent care didn't pay for themselves.
Please, no more "wins" for Donald Trump. 1000 minus 800 plus 100 is only 300. That's way less than 1000. Not a win, or win win, or any type of gain. It's a loss!
Down with Fetterman!
He let the repugs grab him by the pussy?!?!
This is not even fighting. This is just plain cowardice. And pretending the GOP are not heading towards a recession regardless, without providing more help getting there.
It’s *Trump* who is causing the recession.
And passing the bills he wants is not standing up to him.
His vow to never vote to shut the government down is ludicrous.
If this CR zeroed out money for Israel he'd be leading the opposition.
Also shown by Murphy's xlnt summary of its first 6 weeks:
There is NO BASIS upon which to support ANYTHING coming out of the GOP - RESIST!
That's been the problem for six fucking weeks.
So the only reason for anyone to vote for this stupid bill is to express their subservience to an illegitimate regime.
Rep. Jared Golden voted for CR with the GOP.
Vote no and make them write a better bill.
Senate 101.
She will fight for us!
Give Senator Fetterman your thoughts :
(215) 241-1090
(814) 453-3010
(570) 820-4088
(717) 782-3951
(412) 803-3501
(202) 224-4254
Time to show some courage and take your lumps if you must. That goes for EVERY member of Congress. Your reputation suffers MORE by following along with this corrupt scum
You won't be voted back.
Our government is already shutting down, or are you blind?
All you're doing is giving TRUMP/MUSK MORE POWER
of the Chicken $hitts.
There are WAY more than two options here, he just doesn't have the balls to force one. Cowardice rears it's ugly head once again.
I really regret supporting his campaign with my money.
(he took the money?)
What the hell is...this? 😁
While he dresses like Elmo and espouses Elmoism?
He "performs" badly like a betrayer of trust and he lectures the rest of us.
John Fettidman.