That is the good news. Congratulations, indeed.
Now the bad news. Pierre Polivere may be busy talking to Elon to see how the election can be rigged. He may be negotiating the price.
The Liberal Party has been delivering since Confederation. Liberalism comprises the values that define & unite Canadians.
My fellow Canadians, please don't make the same mistake Americans made in the 2024 elections. Liberalism works because it relies on workers, not greedy billionaires.
Business as usual, and business is booming for already-wealthy businesspeople. But he's not a frothing at the mouth bigot fascist. So.
Yeah. He's fine. I guess. Can't wait to protest against his crappy too-late-not-enough policy once he's PM.
Félicitations M. Carney. Un homme intelligent et qui comprend l’économie… c’est pas mal mieux qu’un petit politicien chialeux qui m’a jamais rien fait pour ses électeurs ou le Canada autre que d’apporter des beignes à des manifestants qui bloquaient le centre-ville d’Ottawa illégalement.
YES - X spreads a lot of false information & Elon allows it if it benefits him or Republicans so if we want a fair election in Canada it's time to ban X in Canada to keep the misinformation at a minimum
He was a great UK Bank of England Governor. He knew exactly what a disaster Brexit would be and he understands the strength of the EU. Even if Canada cannot join he will work closely. We have to all work together to defeat that orange arsehole Trump.
Now the bad news. Pierre Polivere may be busy talking to Elon to see how the election can be rigged. He may be negotiating the price.
Hope you kick Trump’s ass!
Time to take out the trucKKKer trash Pierre and #TeamKKKanada KKKonservatives
My fellow Canadians, please don't make the same mistake Americans made in the 2024 elections. Liberalism works because it relies on workers, not greedy billionaires.
Yeah. He's fine. I guess. Can't wait to protest against his crappy too-late-not-enough policy once he's PM.
To Prime Minister Trudeau, a heartfelt thank you for all that you have done for our country!
You will represent more than just Canadians.
Democratic people from nations around the world will look to you for hope.
The U.S.? We get a carny: a grifting, rage-baiting sideshow act running the country like a rigged game of three-card monte.
They get a leader; we get chaos with a spray tan being sold as a perception filter for reality.
I look forward to your resolute resistance to Trump and his administration of gangsters. The world is with you!
Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de courage contre un individu qui n'a aucune conscience moral et économique.
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