Here's one of, if not the best videos in summing up who Poilievre really is, based on his two decades of history as an MP (who accomplished nothing).
I'm going to reply to the latest PP tweets in X, although the responses are 95% anti-PP.
He’s in danger of having to actually answer important questions and being unable to pivot to the attack.
Or answer softball questions from RW media that would be used against him in an election.
He doesn’t want to have to ask the house to sit for an extended period and take on the 🍊 🤡, because then the CPC—and NDP for that matter—could take the time to focus on quickly choosing a newer leader, like the LPC just did.
Authoritarian #ViktorOrbán tells CPAC “the path to power is to ‘have your own media”
#PierrePoilievre email encouraging supporters to “go around the biased media.”
“We can’t count on the media to communicate our messages to Canadians. We have to go around them.."
PP is scared of the media because he has nothing to offer Canadians: no solid leadership. No experience in the world affairs. No security clearance. No personality traits that are endearing. No connections. No friends. He’s our worst nightmare as a leader in these times. Give it up Pierre.
I think there should be pressure on that, and the media might be prepared to keep asking.
I'm going to reply to the latest PP tweets in X, although the responses are 95% anti-PP.
Or answer softball questions from RW media that would be used against him in an election.
Alors, les médias seront biaisés à son endroit.
#PierrePoilievre email encouraging supporters to “go around the biased media.”
“We can’t count on the media to communicate our messages to Canadians. We have to go around them.."
PP avoids questions