6 reasons why #NeverPoilievre is Maga and Trump is lying again:
- Privatize healthcare
- Eliminate Pharmacare
- Reduce gun controls
- Against mandatory vaccinations
- Deregulate natural resources with no controls
- Against diverse hires
Trump wants PP and he’s trying to influence our election.
In my opinion, while this tactic might strengthen support among his core #followers, it risks alienating broader segments of the electorate who value transparency and accountability facilitated by a #free press.
''Canadian tech leaders created a group called Build Canada to advocate for right-wing policies like cutting government workers and reducing refugees, but also created a DOGE-like website called Canada Spends to call out spending their don’t like.''
''The global right-wing embrace of DOGE brings to mind how neoliberalism spread decades ago, and the immense negative consequences that accompanied its social spending cuts, privatizations, and deregulation.'' Paris Marx
''Canadian tech leaders created a group called Build Canada to advocate for right-wing policies like cutting government workers and reducing refugees, but also created a DOGE-like website called Canada Spends to call out spending their don’t like.'' Paris Mark
''Elon Musk’s DOGE is tearing through the US government with disastrous consequences. But beyond its borders, the extreme right is gearing up to push their own DOGE-inspired austerity campaigns in countries around the world.'' Paris Marx
He has a pattern of giving up easily.
That's why he badgers journos hard so they can't get a word in edgewise.
That's a lot of effort for him though, so he has cut out the journos he has no intention of answering to at the start.
Maybe he has chronic flatulence?
- Privatize healthcare
- Eliminate Pharmacare
- Reduce gun controls
- Against mandatory vaccinations
- Deregulate natural resources with no controls
- Against diverse hires
Trump wants PP and he’s trying to influence our election.
#SarahLeavitt from #Washington