Eliminating the Carbon tax
Eliminating Emissions caps
Eliminating the GST on new home sales
Ending gender parity in cabinet as well as eliminating the position on gender equality.
May headline: Liberals defeat conservatives by becoming them!
The Liberals have announced that the Canada Disability Benefit will go ahead so you are quite wrong there. The portfolio like many others, is currently bundled in the temporary cabinet. No support has been withdrawn.
There is a minister and the CDB is no less than it was previously. Criticize it and lobby but let’s not be dishonest enough to pretend it’s off the table or lesser than before
I got blocked by them, I wasn't able to read their entire reply but they seemed to have called me ridiculous for saying the government is eugenicist, LMAO.
Criticising a politician is not the same as advocating for votesplitting. Strategic voting is a necessary evil in some situations/ridings, not a good or positive thing.
The speech after the first ministers meeting covered it. If we want private sector investment to get moving on projects to de-Americanize us, then the capital gains needs to be reviewed.
Keep the emissions caps, but give free money to oil and gas companies to incentivize carbon capture to get their emissions below the cap.
Free money for oil and gas companies isn't at all conservative. Your tax $ go to billionaires.
yup, didn't eliminate emission caps, keeping dental, pharma, child benefit and it's an interim cabinet with ministers taking on responsibilities of several portfolios - not eliminating them.
Liberals still seem very eager to duplicate strategies used by US Democrats that successfully convinced a lot of their supporters to stay home and not vote.
The leader of Canada must get a strong hold of this economy, steer it in the right direction and drive it forward while maintaining the most important social programs.
This is a balancing act requiring enormous economic and diplomatic skills as well as a strong social conscience.
Let's not forget this corny, cringe-worthy ad that Conservatives pulled almost immediately, once it was revealed that almost every scene was from stock videos of other countries. It's full of blatant errors (takes school bus to school, waves goodbye to dad in pickup). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPFNKvM06fU
Why is money being wasted on a tax cut. That will be a tax cut for those that keep their jobs. Shouldn’t that budget be reallocated to enhanced supports for those that lose their jobs?
Eliminating the Carbon tax
Eliminating Emissions caps
Eliminating the GST on new home sales
Ending gender parity in cabinet as well as eliminating the position on gender equality.
May headline: Liberals defeat conservatives by becoming them!
Not the win you think it is.
Make whatever assumptions you like about this fact.
The speech after the first ministers meeting covered it. If we want private sector investment to get moving on projects to de-Americanize us, then the capital gains needs to be reviewed.
Keep the emissions caps, but give free money to oil and gas companies to incentivize carbon capture to get their emissions below the cap.
Free money for oil and gas companies isn't at all conservative. Your tax $ go to billionaires.
This is a balancing act requiring enormous economic and diplomatic skills as well as a strong social conscience.