Sure! Right after we learn the American pledge of allegiance we’ll all have to sing daily, pay $1,473 USD monthly for insulin, work a minimum of 160 hours for subpar health insurance that can still deny you, lose your rights to an abortion, and BIPOC are deported even with citizenship.
So you have NO IDEA why health care and medications are affordable in Canada, eh? You think those policies just magically appeared through Lib-Con good will? 😂 That no one fought for them? 😂 In the words of Chuck D "History shouldn't be a mystery." Wise up. Smarten up.
I’m a dual citizen that just moved back to Canada from the United States. I’m also a healthcare worker with 6 years of living experience from outpatient pharmacy during COVID-19.
I know healthcare, and I know it on both sides of the border. I’ll see you at the polls, I guess. #elbowsup
Thank you for your work, sacrifices and service. Apologies for the snark, but the NDP are responsible for Canada's public healthcare. The Trudeau majority had no interest in improving pharmacare until reduced a minority - then Singh and the NDP forced through improvements. That's just a fact.
This is why we need more coalition governments so parties work together. We have universal health care in Canada thanks to a liberal government (Lester Pearson) working with the NDP (Douglas) to make it happen! (BTW, I usually vote NDP)
It’s VERY important to avoid a Liberal majority. It will mean AUSTERITY. Recall how Chrétien-Martin slashed transfer payments and allowed provinces to violate the CHA with private clinics and regressive and illegal taxes like the MSP? How union workers were fired and seniors were abused for profit?
I know, my friend & neighbour. All the respect and love to you. I know how hot-heat this election is for all of us, and honestly: I agree with you about the Trudeau majority and lack of action.
My hope, now that I work in healthcare at home, is advocate that we CAN do better- now more than ever💕
I wish I could move back to Vancouver. I miss my life in Kits, but... that Broadway Plan would have left me homeless if I'd not left in mid-2016. So many people are being displaced because of demos and redevelopment.
Now in Smithers. TransLink: no B-line from here to Arbutus😆
I know healthcare, and I know it on both sides of the border. I’ll see you at the polls, I guess. #elbowsup
My hope, now that I work in healthcare at home, is advocate that we CAN do better- now more than ever💕
Now in Smithers. TransLink: no B-line from here to Arbutus😆