We don't know each other IRL, but if we're ever lucky enough to be in the same space, I feel like I should buy you a drink/ other refreshment of your choice in thanks. I appreciate the hell out of folks like you.
I have a pretty good Middle Aged White Lady Demanding to Speak to the Manager voice which I strive only to deploy for good instead of evil
and you gotta get out ahead of the inevitable pedants who will frame this as trans people whining about special treatment instead of a public safety menace
Everyone on Earth has a different pain threshold for dealing with problems.
I intend to add to hers with little cc @s to statements of fact like yours. They cost me nothing. Eventually a last straw will be found -- or she'll block me, and someone else can try.
Good on ya, Claire.
and you gotta get out ahead of the inevitable pedants who will frame this as trans people whining about special treatment instead of a public safety menace
I intend to add to hers with little cc @s to statements of fact like yours. They cost me nothing. Eventually a last straw will be found -- or she'll block me, and someone else can try.