Just to add to this cos I often see it come up
You don’t need your polling card to vote. As long as you are on the register (check here: https://checktheregister.ie) you can vote. So if it got lost in the post or you forgot it, don’t panic. They have the full list at your polling station. Just bring ID.
You don’t need your polling card to vote. As long as you are on the register (check here: https://checktheregister.ie) you can vote. So if it got lost in the post or you forgot it, don’t panic. They have the full list at your polling station. Just bring ID.
(A PD personation agent insisted I ask for ID from every 10th voter. I had to turn away a voter who produced an ATM card. Turned out he was a PD voter. Poetry.)
(The PD TD who complained afterwards about me turning away the voter was Anne Colley, who went in to chair the committee McDowell set up to give us not-quite-equal partnership rights.)