Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country, they're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession
Thank you immensely for making this list and posting it. It's a huge 'wake-up call' for those who care to read it and understand the repercussions if these bills pass.
Most of these were introduced in 2017-2018 during the 115th Congress, died in committee, and are being reintroduced now. HR 361 was introduced this year and is about eliminating DoE. Also, Republicans are also introducing other harmful legislation under the same resolution numbers as some of these.
Man, if you go to the house and see all the bills that are introduced, it’s terrifying. I’ve been making sure to pay attention to who is sponsoring them so if you find a local representative of yours, call them out. The militia one is worth looking at.
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
Thanks for the correction too, I believe you are right and I believe it was to formally remove a species from the Endangered Species List, which is GOOD. In fact... I think it may have been Bald Eagles that got delisted.
Ah ok, you definitely looked into it more than I. I was a bit concerned when I first saw it passed, then saw the notes on which stated it pertained solely to Alaska's Wildlife Refuge. Apparently (according to AI, so ... grain of salt) it transferred some authority back to the state.
Same! I used to try to find logical fallacies on Twitter, but stopped when Elon bought it. Here I do some of the same, as well as just get into the habit of vetting.
Even more important now that I want to believe some of this stuff is true. Still too many engagement fanatics.
Been telling libs to arm up for decades. & know how to use & maintain. The people don't even have to use. If they maintain a substantial, credible threat, power won't fuck with them. It will mind its manners. But so many thought the rule of law would save them, all while hating on law enforcement.
Vet for Trump are a problem. The 6 stages of a MAGA Vet's infliction of self-harm:
Stage 1: Vote for Trump.
Stage 2: He didn't say that.
Stage 3: He doesn't mean it.
Stage 4: Silence
Stage 5: He is doing exactly what the American people voted for.
Stage 6: vote for Trump again.
To any non-veterans reading this, take a firearms safety course. The chances that you will be around guns and people defending you and your family is growing day by day. Make yourself useful.
Your oppression is their profession
The ACA repeal has been introduced every year since the ACA was passed.
This is just engagement farming.
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
They all failed.
Please vet sources.
Though HJR 69 did pass, but it wasn't just some blanket Wildlife protection repeal.
Regardless, some of this stuff is introduced every year. We have enough real rage bait.
A lot of these are state bills too. They also have a House and a Senate...
AI slop here too.
Fucking quit it. Stop bringing their garbage over here!
Even more important now that I want to believe some of this stuff is true. Still too many engagement fanatics.
Stage 1: Vote for Trump.
Stage 2: He didn't say that.
Stage 3: He doesn't mean it.
Stage 4: Silence
Stage 5: He is doing exactly what the American people voted for.
Stage 6: vote for Trump again.
Slavery is Freedom.
Truth is Lies.
#StopNazis #EndFascism
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Posting? So, nothing...good job cowards...this is why we are in this mess in the first place.
Here, try...
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals