I'm traveling to Ottawa at the end of April to meet a Canadian friend i made on Ticktok (yes, a little cray, but I never claimed to be sane) I'm buying Canadian, spending my US income in Canada, standing with & thanking Canada. I can't wait!
It was originally just a simple trip to meet a friend. Now it's an opportunity to meet someone new & a chance to give an FU to Trump & a THANK YOU to Canada for all they've done for the US.
Trump doesn’t like them. So MAGA doesn’t. Scotland has them close to a golf course he owns, he saw it, said they interfered with his view and started disliking them. Read somewhere, but not fact checked. Sounds true though. 😉
Scotland allowed windmills off the coast in his golf course's view. They wouldn't obey his demands. Ergo: windmills give cancer to whales and kill a gazillion birds.
Related? The autonomy is distressing as it means women can choose whether to share their parts AND there is also *fear of the parts* as demonstrated by gendered insults and “locker room talk”
Oh I got it backwards. It's about two minutes in i think but he says, "Notice she went from wearing sexy boots to wearing more sensible shoes" and he is BIG mad when he says it.
Yes! The Mars company changed the green m&m's shoes from block heels to boots. Tucker Carlson was OUTRAGED! He was mad at the "wokeism" & like, making her less sexy. It was *really* weird. I don't know how to come back to this comment because it was hidden but I'll try find a YouTube clip.
Love and solidarity are what scares them the most because they are incapable of feeling empathy and it makes them feel inferior. They do not understand and become violent.
Many of the people who are unable to feel empathy were silent because they felt left out. Trump (Bannon) gave them permission to express their hatred, which is actually towards themselves because of their heart disease. Let us hope that this cruelty can be stopped before it causes a big disaster.
That’s a cool saying but the reality is Black Women are one of and in many years the fastest growing segment of new gun owners and have been for a while, so it’s just not factually correct in today’s world.
No wait, women. Or Happy Holidays. Starbucks cups, Oreos, rainbows…Skittles, the poor, science, masks, vaccines, CDC, WHO, NOAA, Biden, babies after they’re born, free lunches in school, non-Christians, other countries, women, again women, not able to beat women, women saying no, (I ran outa room)
Hitler,as were most,was born a catholic as were Positive Christianity rejected the divinity of Christ.
He believed he was destined by God to root out Jews and anyone who opposed him. Musk is a "cultural" Christian "his term" and rejects the divinity of Christ but follows Christian principles.
Things that people were really excited about and saw as progress:
frontal lobotomies
Perhaps some things that Democrats think of as progress today will fall into this bucket.
Also this is like Schumer putting cheese on a raw burger. Who doesn't know what Jeopardy is? Odd.
The game is Family Fued, but there are endless things that scare them, so it could be educated women, vaccines, voting, absentee ballots, Barack Obama, USAID, the FCC, actually following the law, not using finance money to pay off a porn star and on and on and on.
1. People awake/aware
2. DEI
3. Critical race theory
4. Their fragility
5. Looking in the mirror
6. Accurate public education
7. Free breakfast/lunches to kids
8. Playing fair
9. Answering a direct question
10. Justice for all
1. DEI
2. Non-white, non-billionaire immigrants
3. Women doing anything besides being baby-making home-keepers
5. Taking their diesel trucks and gas stoves (aka global warming)
5. Deep state
6. ‘Woke’…to name a few
Questions. Since I have no filter, I respond bluntly when a conservative or MAGA person says something stupid to me. This morning, I asked a woman who told me she loved J. D. Vance if she had daughters and if they appreciated his comments on women's roles.
I had that medical condition in 2016-2021. Then it got better. It seems I've come down with another case of it. I tried to treat it with diet & exercise last year, but it's really gotten worse in the last month or so. Things just blurt out.
On second thought, that's a little to close to the bone...
YES, let's play JEOPARDY...
Damn, that's kind of the same thing...
How about the Price Is Right...
this is all down hill isn't it?
4)faces full of botox
5)old rich guys with a pocket full of viagra 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fake culture wars for
$4 trillion in billionaires tax cuts at the expense of EVERYONE else.
Oh! My! Someone to challenge my sexuality!!!
What a bizarre trauma to have..
Have to love a people who've been saying "OH FUCK OFF!" to oppressors for a millennium.
What a dk 😂😂😂
Thanks Mr. Holmes 🕵️♂️
(From the Internet archives, author unknown 👇🏻)
(I’m 🇲🇽🇺🇸 This is personal 🤷🏻♀️)
White boots on a green m&m.
Is that really a thing?
Sounds about right, tucker is the epitome of a creepy unclefucker.
See: Reagan introducing gun control in CA after the Black Panthers marched open-carrying.
We should follow their lead. The police do not brutalize armed protesters (their bullies and cowards LARPing army men)
#MulfordAct #BlackPanthers #ArmedMinoritiesAreHarderToOppress
Maybe 50 years ago but not today
He believed he was destined by God to root out Jews and anyone who opposed him. Musk is a "cultural" Christian "his term" and rejects the divinity of Christ but follows Christian principles.
Take their guns
Otherwise, it's funny.
frontal lobotomies
Perhaps some things that Democrats think of as progress today will fall into this bucket.
Also this is like Schumer putting cheese on a raw burger. Who doesn't know what Jeopardy is? Odd.
But right on the money!
2. DEI
3. Critical race theory
4. Their fragility
5. Looking in the mirror
6. Accurate public education
7. Free breakfast/lunches to kids
8. Playing fair
9. Answering a direct question
10. Justice for all
1. DEI
2. Non-white, non-billionaire immigrants
3. Women doing anything besides being baby-making home-keepers
5. Taking their diesel trucks and gas stoves (aka global warming)
5. Deep state
6. ‘Woke’…to name a few
Hispanics with Master's Degrees.
Blacks with High IQs.
Botox and blonde hair dye.
I could go on…..
Family Feud