Trump is going to take the money obviously. These will be foreign oligarchs running from their country after screwing the people. I say no to these people. They are immigrants the same as Trump is deporting. I won't allow him to extort them for his own personal gain!
Trump is not anti black, brown or yellow, if the person is rich. He is only anti black, brown or yellow if they are poor. Who gets the $5 mil, the Tresury?
There have been times over the last few weeks wherein I'm beginning to question my own grip on reality. Things are escalating to levels of absurdity that are becoming inconceivably ridiculous.
Why would anyone with $5 million and, therefore, plenty of options for living in a place with a better quality of life want to live in Trump's hell hole?
Wealthy foreigners will include members of the Russian and Chinese mafia and other drug lords. Will these people be vetted? Is this making the US safer?
So he’s saving us money by giving people who are already rich 5 million dollars to move here ? He may want to get rid of all of the middle and lower income people, but buddy it ain’t happening!
Well, basically that’s how his wife got here isn’t it? She didn’t follow the normal process for citizenship.
Rumor has it Elon Musk and his brother reportedly came here and overstayed their pieces and were living here illegally. You know they bought their citizenship they didn’t follow the process.
They won’t be coming to the US. The wealthy will take their money to other countries. For one thing the US citizens will be so broke. They wouldn’t have money to buy any products so why would any corporation want to come here?
Deporting native born Americans with the end of birthright citizenship to make room for the foreign born oligarchs. Ethnic cleansing AND gentrification at the same time.
So basically, he’s liquidating the United States to make way for the new Trump American Estates and Gaza Golf club.
Everything is a commodity to that thing. Too bad he can’t buy some character, decency, heart, or friends. Unfortunately, he lacks any of those, but he sure is dazzled by gold. ‘Golden turds next?’ (My idea it will cost you your ‘reign’).
Soooooooo, whats up? When are you guys planning on toppling this nonsense before it gets too far? I am as mad as a wolverine guarding a stinky ol carcass right now in regards to the Annexation BS. Where are the 2nd Amend people? Aren’t those boom sticks for this very reason??? Tyrannical Leader?🦗🦗🦗
Can some lawyer explain why SCOTUS forbid Biden any discretionary decision-making on EPA emissions and student loan forgiveness, but every EO on every whim and fancy #Felon47 has as fait accompli by mere Sharpie?
The US will attract only the elites in their respective fields—the best fraudsters, drug dealers, oligarchs, mobsters, sex traffickers and gun runners that other countries have to offer.
Like wealthy foreigners ever had trouble living a working in the US. I guess this is supposed to help keep the "riff raff" out of the US; like all wealthy people are good people? Right (huge eye roll)!
The orange turd can always find more criminal ways to enrich himself while selling off more and more of our country. This is only what we can see. Can you imagine what’s going on that we have no idea about?
1/ So there it is everyone, no more playing footsies under the table. This is what the Trump presidency was always going to be about. Not the Project 2025 version of the Handmaid’s Tale, not immigration, not even government reform, all nonsense.
2/ It’s a Ponzi scheme, take from the various agencies that pay for our benefits to enrich themselves, and just for good measures, let’s throw in a Gold Card for some foreign oligarchs. “For the affordable price of a few millions, you too can live the American Dream,
3/ with our new America First Gold Card”. It’s a pay to play Government policy, right in the open, for all Americans and the world to see. Hey MAGA, is this what you meant when you say America first.
The last this country needs is more billionaires. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… I lift my light beside the golden door”.
OMG he has truly gone mad. He will be openly welcoming all of the worlds corrupt oligarchs into the US. Criminals for the most part since any legit folks are likely happy where they are and have no interest in residing or working in the US. And WHO or what gets that money???
Is this instead of green cards ? Will they have an expiration? Will they need to become citizens. If so will it be as complicated as it is for others ? Where will they be used for ? Will any of them or their children take American jobs? Right now why would they want to be here?
to be fair, if a whole bunch of Straya's richest assholes depart to join the citrus despot's excremental coterie, I think some of us would be quite pleased. Especially, if like joining the techbro's brainfart nevergonnahappenbutmaybeitwill Mars colony, it's a one-way trip...
One can buy US citizenship for as little as $800k to $1 mil. This is just another scam, and worse, because it invites the worst of the worst of criminal elements, those who would be rejected by any country, to cleanse themselves in the waters of US citizenship.
I imagine that Trump would let American Libs sell their citizenship for $5 million if he got a $1 million cut. He could buy all of us libs out and forever be a dictator, but then there would be no tax base other than the poor MAGATs and the super wealthy.
A similar immigration policy was in effect that allowed foreigners to invest $1 million in a U.S. company to attain a track to citizenship. As with everything else, Trump’s plans are always transactional and inflationary. Who’s going to do the background checks? Will they all live in Spy City?
So cut Medicaid, veterans benefits, social security to make people poor/poorer so they can’t afford their house payments/rent then sell $5M gold cards so what the wealthy oligarchs can swoop in and buy up all the property leaving everyone destitute.
Russian gangsters and South African racists will be the beneficiaries of the grift which will ultimately end up lining the orange turd’s pockets. It’s just another effort to Make Amerika White Again. WTF?
When I heard this last night on the news, I couldn't move. How on Earth did we become this country? We have lost all sense of morality, decency, and humanity. Hard-working individuals are denied a path to citizenship simply because they don't have the money or the time to wade through the paperwork.
Fucking asshole. Let’s just invite the rich criminals in and screw the people who actually need help. Are these gold card people going to pick our produce, work in restaurants, etc…jobs that keep our economy rolling? I think not. Stupid idea from a stupid man.
This sounds overly corrupt. However, coming from an overly corrupt administration, I am not surprised. I guess if you're a refugee fleeing an oppressive government, and you don't have $5mil, you're SOL
Such a *grifter*. That's all this presidency is to him. A means to *grift*. Go golfing and then return to sit and come up with ways to make money. I can't believe all of these MAGAts fall for this crap. What in God's name do they think he is doing to *help* them? What? #TrumpIsAGrifter
Welcome mat for drug dealers, Russian oligarchs, terrorists, spies, & the corrupt. What happened to "Give me your tired, your poor." Trump & his corrupt buddies have sold out our Constitution & values.
You have to be a right mug to do that, if you have the money spend 500k on Bulgarian citizenship or 600k on Maltese citizenship both giving full access to the EU and in the case of Malta the 9th strongest passport…
How very disappointing
But we didn't buy the visa, we bought a house worth over €500k. The money didn't go to the gov, the idea is to inject outside money into the economy.
Trumps says *millions* will pay $5M?! Yeah, right.
Rumor has it Elon Musk and his brother reportedly came here and overstayed their pieces and were living here illegally. You know they bought their citizenship they didn’t follow the process.
What is the darkest shade of white that’s acceptable?
You were warned.
The southern border is no longer an issue.🤔
Russians galore
Saudi Arabia.
He is selling our country out
Will they pick the crops???
She could have bought her way into the US for $5M rather than have to touch Trump’s flaccid, syphilis-ridden little nubbie.
scratch that…
America goes to the highest bidder! “Only the wealthy are welcome here”, says the orange clown who snaked his way into our WH (again).
So basically, he’s liquidating the United States to make way for the new Trump American Estates and Gaza Golf club.
But I'm sure there are many other wonderful potential Willie Wonka gold ticket buyers.
That money is going where? IN HIS POCKET
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
Of course, there's not a chance in hell the giant orange turd knows what "storied pomp" means, much less why we don't want it.
The United States is gonna become the anus of the Planet.
So green cards are now NYC taxi medallions?
People are gonna be expected to work their entire lives just to pay back and unpayable debt?
This is fucking sickening.
So only the rich can emigrate?
Fuck this orange piece of shit.
this piece of shit idea....criminal mafia fucker
What a country.
And he didn't say to whom the fee would be paid.
Only the orange piece of shit would do something this fucking dumb.
And that childish obsession with gold...
Bitch thinks he's on the Polar Express
*punches card*
They have no trouble getting visas for that purpose.
This is a scam meant to appeal to desperate social climbers and criminals with ulterior motives.
It’s always about the money for greedy, power monger trump.
Tax them hard.