If you haven’t filed this year, speak with the IRS help desk to fix the issue first. I had similar experience with mine but it was fixed and rectified. Use the IRS telegram channel, it’s more reliable https://t.me/refund_tax
I filed an amended return for my son and his wife. It’s been 1 year and 3 days since IRS received it. I called 3 days ago and it’s still in process. That’s at the old staffing levels.
Talk to your accountant about the ramifications of zeroing out your contributions . The IRS is no longer a reliable overseer of your savings for taxes.
Well then I am not paying my money to them either. Filing an extension tomorrow no matter whether it is negative or positive gain. I am just SO PISSED OFF!
If you might have to pay in this year it might be a good year to just skip reporting. It'll take years just for it to be noticed with skeleton staff now and if you've been kicked off SS you might outlive the dun bill. LMAO.
I am no longer filing income taxes. My income is 139% below the federal poverty level, I recieve no assistance except what I was FORCED TO PAY into Medicare and Social Security. Those are not entitlements those are monies owed to us.
Adjust your withholdings so that you pay less in taxes. The bigger refund you get, the more money you loaned to the government, interest free. Keep a rainy day fund si that if you do owe a little in taxes at the end of the year, it won't be a big deal to pay immediately
I owe this year, but there is no reason to send it in since there won't be anyone to process it and we aren't going to get any services for it. I will send in my NYS check.
What if you all stop paying your taxes? He fired all the IRS so it would be a while before things get sorted out, Steal his thunder. Bankrupt the country before he sells it all off
Already the website has been on “limited access due to system maintenance,” which is probably DOGE interference, since last week. Try accessing anything you need.
This is already been goiong on. They have delayed me for almost 10 years. When they get to the 10 year mark they will claim "sorry, it's past your acceptable time to claim it". Fuck the IRS - The three worst letters in the alphabet
Actually, I think people should fill out a new W-4 and claim 100 dependents. Even if they are due a refund, the chances of receiving it are likely slim.
So a couple years isn’t an exaggeration.
"no more refunds"
At this rate all our money will have gone to the Billionaire Bros & Putin by then.