“The sea shift in the mood in Europe — including the UK — may not be evident to Americans. Here is the cartoon in yesterday’s The Times of London.”
“The sea shift in the mood in Europe — including the UK — may not be evident to Americans. Here is the cartoon in yesterday’s The Times of London.”
#SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦🕊⚖️
#Democracy 🌈🕊⚖️
I love President Zelenskyy & my Ukrainian cousins.
Trump sabotaged them to help Putin advance to take over. They all have blood on their hands.
All the money the U.S. spent to protect Ukraine was wasted by Trump & his administration. BETRAYAL.
Applies to most everything outside the US borders......sorry, not sorry.
Here in Australia, Sky News is a Murdoch owned opinion site.
The talking head here was so excited Trump was laying down the law to Ukraine.
So, if the lies are that loud here, I doubt Americans can hear any truth.
the painting are father and DAUGHTER,
They can no longer be trusted, and should be isolated like the rogue state it’s become.
But more than that, we are so sorry for America; in just a few short weeks you have demonstrated just how fragile democracy can be.
Their army is far too large if every 4 years we run the risk of a rogue president invading neighbours.
Also... not all American commanders & soldiers are Drump deadheads and would likely defect.
Tik tak tik tak
Like Tucker
So Putin own their ass’s
America is not a friend.
Time to let them be alone, as they wish.
A lot of us are highly educated and yet the average American reads at a fifth grade level.
The world needs to quarantine America and move on without us until we get our own house in order.
The continued existence of US bases here in the UK is something I think of a lot but hear absolutely nothing about in our media.
Do any in the US media talk about this?
MTG,s FLAPS 😂😂😂😂😂
How do Americans feel about suddenly flipping and becoming Russian and Putin supporters?
You're currently assisting Putin and North Korea in the destruction of a free democracy in Ukraine!
Just sayin'
Money is the ONLY thing that #Trump understands, and it’s the ONLY thing that influences him.
#MAGAnightmare #MAGAnomincs #AmericaLast
If fact, most people in the UK would be more than happy if the #tangerinefacedobnoxioushamsterhairedfuckwit never set foot on UK soil ever again.
Or sells it and uses the money to fund Ukraine.
Utterly disgusted.
These things exactly are the issue.
Imagine that you are saying this to a democrat who didn't even vote.
Imagine the disconnect b/w republican and democrat.
Where it was shown a democrat and republican shaking hands where the democrat says to republican
"we know you were lied to , but you don't have to stick to it and come fight with us against trump"
Don't Alienate human
Organise and use it.
Its so much easier said than done.
And I think they are already doing it , its the first time all 50 states are protesting simultaneously.
I am not even American , but the amount of outrage in america really exists.
The problem is 1984 orwell tv shows like fox news.
It's over.
I'm getting my customers away from US tech wherever possible, and they bite with barely any hesiation.
Your president was democratally chosen, and therefore represent all of Amercans.
The Democrats are invisible and there is no real opposition.
The people are passive, demonstrations are rare and weak (Paris would litterlay be burning).
R 💙
We are not bullies, we are civilised so feel safe.
I hope you’ll manage to throw down your dictator soon.
This is a WW2 level: Good or bad - fight.
One good person can halt an army.
"The only thing to fear, is fear itself!"
Welcome to Team Canada!
Elbows up!
Even the Daily Mail, who supported Hitler, detests Trump.
The cartoon is of Trump and Putin teaming up to slaughter Ukrainians
I bow in respect for you all.
I think that's why they're all increasing their contributions
America has always been a defender of Democracies but not now.
Going forward, all Nations will be wary of U.S.
Poor Grant Wood
His asset is openly killing United States citizens.
The enemy is GOP/putin.
We are at WAR with WAR criminals.
Kill or be Killed.
And who dare to sign a contract with Starlink.. Except USA and Russia....
In Scandinavia, the distrust against US in #NATO have allmost doubled from about 35% to over 60%.
Most people is now actively seeking European products and services against USA.
I myself, have cancelled Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime.
Only EU services now.
Possible MS next
Trumps “policies” have consequences.
He hates humiliation
Maybe he'll get the message now?