I also want to know why the United States is going to pay El Salvador a small fee for taking these deportees? Why are we paying somebody else to take prisoners from us and why weren't they just in jail here if they're all gang members?
People keep asking why the right-wing keep rising across the World, We need leaders who can see just how serious the situation is the post pandemic World is deeply damaged leaders who pretend we can carry on like before are now relics.
This is what I have been thinking about all day... Who are the people that were put into a prison in El Salvador really? Does anyone know? I doubt they were all (if any) gang members, but I have not been able to find any information on who they are and where they were taken from.
Also notice how all the photographs have been -they make their heads bowed down so you can’t see their faces -that way no one can identify them and say hey that’s my father that’s my son
Cruel fat pig. If you were to poke bannon with a stick he would pop so gravy would spew out everywhere. He's a fucking slob, he always looks 6 glasses of cheap vodka deep and half hangover. Probably comes from the imbredding his family is into. His mom is also his aunt, cousins are bro n sis
Steve was doing what Gavin was doing , trying to appeal to the other side &sound reasonable. Deep down they couldn’t be more apart. It’s a dangerous game. Like normalizing Hitler or Putin!
Dictator donny
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON until then call your worthless Senate and Reps 202-224-3121 tell them to haul dictator donny off in a straitjacket today!
Every day, Donald Trump defies court orders because he knows he controls all law enforcement and the Supreme Court. Trump supporters need to pay close attention to this because when Donald Trump turns on you, and he will, there will be nobody to stop him.
When this mess gets cleaned up. The next president should be decided on whomever is willing to enact the alien act for 3 days and ship all of them to El Salvador. Trump, Musk, JD, the whole fuckin gang and throw in Steve to boot.
And if there is a convicted felon, right wing, Nazi sympathizer, conspiracy spreading, moron with that permanent hang - over look then..... TOO BAD SOOOOOOO SAD
Yet some woman on here says she got thought provoking ideas from Newsom podcast with Bannon. 😂 Not even remotely possible with a constant liar and I might add criminal.
Would I be surprised if some ICE Agents soon run into someone they are attempting to detain/take into custody wearing a suicide vest and detonate? Nothing is out of the realm of possibility at this point...
#Trump #ICE #Deportations
So maybe we do need to give the Statue of Liberty back to France if that bullshit is gonna fly here now. Save a lot of money doing away with due process, right?
This is precisely why it was a bad idea for Gavin Newsome to have him on his podcast. If Gavin doesn't know who they are by now then maybe he needs to step down for being stupid.
These people are not being released into the countryside in El Salvador. They are being sent to a forced labor camp. Basically being sold into slavery by the US
You have to understand that the Republican Party, after 20 years of manufactured alternate reality echo chambers, has morphed into a cult of national nihilism. The don’t believe in anything anymore except hurting people they don’t like and cashing in on graft and corruption. That’s the platform.
Don't let them fool you, it's not land of the free, they keep on repeating it so people buy into the pretense, there is no real "free" speech, women can't even have bodily autonomy and States disobey the Constitution because they don't want to separate from their Church.
Look, Bannon, immigrants do a hell of a lot more than tend gardens! Among other great things, they Harvest much of our Vegetables & Fruits, A*shole!! YOU go pick them, Stevie!! Very few are criminals, none from mental institutions for God sake. #BannonIsaRACIST!!! #BannonIsaHater
These Maga idiots are all snowflakes. They break the law without remorse and then complain if someone calls them on it. Whiny overly sensitive snowflakes. They would cry all the way back to their mama’s bosom if they were subjected to one iota of what these “swell guys” have to put up with every day
Steve Bannon was the one who came out in 2017 saying they were going to destroy the government by installing incompetents, on purpose.
Steve Bannon got this whole ball rolling.
Ghuillain Maxwell?
How do we know who's legitimately on the plane and if any other then won't be pushed off midair?
It's crazy, like any one of these fucks could be famous and get attention for doing the right thing...
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON until then call your worthless Senate and Reps 202-224-3121 tell them to haul dictator donny off in a straitjacket today!
Can't wait to use that when bannon gets his.
He'd pee his pants in 5 mins.
#Trump #ICE #Deportations
How would Steve Bannon like to be under false arrest?
Hey, sorry, dude.
Life sucks for you. Enjoy prison.
The Republican Party is a corrupt and criminal organization.
…. Tough break …
So are we shocked that they don't care about the people they're deporting?
I think not.
Know to pick them up ???
His legacy will be total sell out.
Who still has their brain these days?
If you have a president and administration ignoring and disregarding Lawful COURT orders,
you are not headed toward a Dictatorship,
You already have a Dictatorship.
i have no idea how he got so twisted up and gross. he’s basically a garbage demon.
soul sickness should stay far away from public policy.
he was the “brains” behind family separations and putting kids in cages, right?
Hey, @governor.ca.gov
This your boy?
What did his boots taste like?
Did you enjoy it?
Steve Bannon got this whole ball rolling.