Have you read the comments on the X Post. Holy Shit. The MAGA people have no concept of human rights or dignity or an understanding that the constitution exists for all.
They object to the country being called a democracy “because it’s a constitutional republic” however, they don’t know anything about the constitution other than the first two amendments (and they don’t respect the 1st one).
Saw it through another account, not mine. But this kind of stuff makes me think… it may be good to just -know- what kind of BS is being tossed around over there.
We must shut down this country until the orange buffoon is removed by participating in the following work stop: 12am 3/25-12am 3/28. Call in sick, go to work late, take long lunches, leave early, take 1/2 days. We must stop: slow down transportation, airline industry, manufacturing, agriculture.
We're in a similar boat. I have us on a strict budget for even food! We are buying as little as possible and participating in local protests. We would go to DC if we could.
I gotta admit, if I went down a dark alley and a man stepped out of the shadows with a smoky headshot, floral skills and all those foundation brushes -
The first thing I'd think is: "Looks like one of the cartels finally pushed the button on me!"
These are the same people who ripped immigrant children from their parents arms and “lost” them , last go around …. Evil and incompetent a dangerous mix
Talibantrump&thugs are t h e WORST of America. Return the VENEZUELANS to their families and homes in America NOW! Respect US Constituion and give them Due Process. They are Not Criminals without sentences in a court of law.
What trump and that meat head Homan have done to these people is an outrage. Inhumane. The majority of those sent to a human rights abusing prison in El Salvador, have a cleaner criminal record than our president!
Rubio the wet foot dry foot disgrace to his family should have been voted out YEARS AGO. Cubans will be deported but this scum will survive..for now. Congrats Cubans! This is what you voted for! Fuck you all.
That story is just so sad. I bet there isn't even one gang banger among the Venezuelans that were carted off to El Salvador!
It breaks my heart those people have been treated so poorly by, of all people, the USA!
The OrangeThang needs to be tried at The Hague!
Even if some of them were this is still so heartbreakingly wrong. One of the foundations of our country is due process. That is what made our form of government revolutionary. We are in a constitutional crisis now.
If Trump can deport anybody without due process under the Alien Enemy Act he’ll probably start rounding up Democrats he feels are enemies of the US and deporting without a hearing! The undermining of our Constitution by Trump and the Rep. controlled Congress is very scary! Hopefully courts hold!
Instead of investigating the perpetrators, the MAGAts Party is opening an investigation into the Judge! They all need to be fired - every single one of them! #justiceforall
And with reason. They did the lightest of confirmations; and said if we grab them all, surely we'll get 1 or 2 with them. TERRIBLE. A large net grabs all fish.
'Soul'? Has anyone listened to Homan while he blathers on? Of course he and his hooligans have nothing that resembles basic human decency. Sure, he's a loudmouth freak enjoying his time in the spotlight, but who the eff are his 'officers', and why do they enjoy and/or do what they do...?
Marco Rubio is basically the poster child for amounting to sub-zero. His personal finances were a fiasco in his Tallahassee days. All he has done is drink water awkwardly, post bible verses, and serve under Trump with his miserable pock marked face. Oh, and participate in treason.
I mean my blood boils over people who do not do their homework. Holy shit! Gang bangers now recruit hair stylists? This stretch is a failed attempt to be humorous! It is fuckin' outrageous!
They consider him to be "flawed" since he's gay. Just like dismantling the Dept of Ed which ensures disabled kids receive an education. More "flaws" in the human race to be eliminated. It's sick snd MUST be stopped before this gets any worse.
None of them have souls! They sent approximately 200, 200 will not come back! I can't stop thinking of these ppl, the suffering, while this administration laughs
I see people defending this because "they broke the law." You can explain to them that some of them didn't. You can explain that Trump broke the law by doing this. You can explain that it shouldn't matter because this is a crime against humanity.
I didn't sleep after hearing his story. It made me absolutely sick and terrified. I can't imagine what these people are going through and I'm so angry!!
There’s something not right here. Trump just released an ms13 gang leader to the El Salvador government with ties to him. Right after they accepted rival members…and a hair dresser. Something is not right!!
Nothing happened when the first time you elected orange turd he and his cultsters allowed 1.1 million people to die from covid. They are all evil hate filled people...period!!
1. I didn't elect him. I never even considered that foul grifting POS was worth voting for.
2. I am well aware he has gotten away with everything so far in his vile life.
3. I live here. I live in fear here. I live in disgust here. I am ashamed of this country.
And why did they have to out him like that? Do you know what’s going to happen to him in that gulag because you and others decided it was a good story to publicly expose such dangerous info? Totally irresponsible.
I assume a habeas corpus petition has to be filed on his behalf. I believe the ACLU may have already filed a habeas case ( re:detention) as well as a class petition since they don’t even know the names of all individuals deported!
We in Europe are warned against travelling to the USA.I lived 6 years in FL & will not travel to US for @ least 2 years AFTER Trump & Republicans are gone from power.
For-profit prisons, hospitals, nursing homes etc. are a BAD idea for innocent & vulnerable people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0niuiBzK5Vw
And WE don't blame you! With the 6 of 7 airplane issues occurring since Trump took office, I don't want to fly anywhere! Air traffic controllers diminished.... AND IT SHOWS!
This poor man will not do well in a hell-hole full of manly men and guards. Bring him home. He, and each and every one of these people, deserves due process. Do we even have a manifest yet?
The way the photographer shooting the arrival of these people in El Salvador described it all... is one of the most harrowing and bleak accounts I've ever heard. Everyone should read/hear it.
Due Process is guaranteed by the fifth and fourteenth Amendments.
If we’re not going to follow the Constitution, why even have it?
And didn’t every single member of our government swear an oath to uphold the Constitution??
Marco with his Bible Verses can shove it up his ass his god will judge him and I’m not religious. Power rots your soul, and his father was an immigrant!!
THIS makes me so furious and heartbroken at the same time! It's called DUE PROCESS, and, YES, - if need to do it for 8 million people-this is AMERICA. WE DO IT FOR however many people have the RIGHT- which is EVERYONE!
To clarify while Don Jr. Eric, Evanka, and Barron, were all born to mothers who were not citizens, they’re not what Diaper Don calls “anchor babies” because sadly the draft dodger was a legal citizen.
I’m losing sleep over this mess. This illegal mess. Was up at 3am thinking about what some of these men must be going through, and started to cry. Not something I normally do.
Can't wait for the court cases! Against each individual and dept. head that offered assistance or transportation! The American people did not want this DJT did, and his admins aided!
🙏that Judge Bosberg condemn the government officials responsible and bring the immigrants back to the US.
That the immigrants sue Kristi Noem and Steve miller and all the responsible assholes and that the immigrants win.
If this situation does not provoke a bipartisan outcry, it suggests we are facing more crises than we realize. Every human life is sacred and deserving of respect.
I gotta admit, if I went down a dark alley and a man stepped out of the shadows with a smoky headshot, floral skills and all those foundation brushes -
The first thing I'd think is: "Looks like one of the cartels finally pushed the button on me!"
#trendearagua #ice #deportations
These are sins, brothers, fathers, husbands….. but most importantly they are people. Like you and I and they DO NOT DESERVE this.
They are all about optics and production.
EGG prices are still high!
Gas prices are stil high!
Stock Market in freefall!
WTF is going on with these
evil MF'rs?
How can people just be randomly picked up off the streets and disappeared to
an El Salvador prison?!
This regime is out of F'g control!
It breaks my heart those people have been treated so poorly by, of all people, the USA!
The OrangeThang needs to be tried at The Hague!
💧Alone, we are only a single drop of water. Together #wearetheflood 🌊
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
I am enraged but terrified for this young man caught up in this fascist move that will probably get him killed.
Little Marco is fully supportive of practices and policies that his parents fled Cuba to get away from
Neither of Rubio's parents were U.S. citizens at the time of Rubio's birth in 1971 in Miami, making him a birthright citizen 😳
Let's call this what it is: Extraordinary rendition.
😠 💔
This country fucking sucks.
Back to 1941
There are going to be more
None of those people should be locked up in a foreign death camp
This one poor man is known but what about all the unknown who don’t have a voice?
Did Putin give them that idea?
Hitlers program of ethnic cleansing
Cruelty beyond belief and so horrific that it should be happening today
I’m despairing
Unadulterated loathing
immigrant derangement syndrome.
They don’t care about this country, its citizens, or its laws!
Chaos is the goal of these vermin!
No reaction. Turns out suffering was the goal.
No accountability. These Trump bullies should be disappeared without juridical process.
They should pay for the suffering and death they have illegally brought to these people.
2. I am well aware he has gotten away with everything so far in his vile life.
3. I live here. I live in fear here. I live in disgust here. I am ashamed of this country.
It’s time for those monsters to be taken down.
I loved Trudeau but I think Carney is going to be what Canada needs to save us from a Nazi takeover.
just maybe
ICE intel knows something he doesn't present in his social media façade
For-profit prisons, hospitals, nursing homes etc. are a BAD idea for innocent & vulnerable people.
The drumpf effect
Seriously trump should it El Salvador to get back every single person he flew there against their will!!
And according to Fox & Friends yesterday… he should have “self-deported” if he didn’t want his rights violated in a Central American torture prison
It's happening again, same story as Mahmoud Khalil. Will America let this happen???
1. Identify a minority with little rights and representation.
2. harass them
3. see whether the people look the other way
3. dismantle their rights.
Its going to get a lot lot worse!
We are ALL targets under a fascist dictatorship.
I think of trump has Half Hitler and Half Saddam. He shows traits of both.
If we’re not going to follow the Constitution, why even have it?
And didn’t every single member of our government swear an oath to uphold the Constitution??
No one to do the work that immigrants did.
That the immigrants sue Kristi Noem and Steve miller and all the responsible assholes and that the immigrants win.