Behold The Golden Age Of Public Corruption In America-> AG Pam Bondi has eviscerated the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section, NBC News reports, in another sign that rampant unrestrained public corruption will be a defining feature of the Trump era.
On that note…Don’t let Ed Martin’s illiteracy and ineptitude be a consolation:
“The letters are styled as voluntary ‘letters of inquiry’ — not compulsory legal demands — and often bear signs of haste such as wrong addresses, typographic errors…”
Of course, actual prosecutors don’t send letters to targets. Martin is a vicious miscreant. I wrote a complaint about him to the DC bar for his Georgetown letter….
File complaints with Fl and DC bar
Let’s get her license
I believe there is a day of reckoning coming, perhaps sooner than many might believe possible.
And with it, fittingly executed repercussions should ensue with the same enthusiastic rigor.