Going through my photos and found this treat from a excursion to Tofino BC.
I'm not 100% sure what rock regime dominates on this part of Vancouver island, sure is pretty though.
I'm not 100% sure what rock regime dominates on this part of Vancouver island, sure is pretty though.
So you're pretty close! From a distance a lot of rock regimes can looks super similar.
I was way off thinking is was zebra dolomite -_- cause I love the stuff.
The BC composition is super cool cause it's partly scraped off the incoming plate.
I found a fabulous report from the BCGS on the Kennedy Lake area geology.
This report indicates we are within the Karmutsen formation, a 6km thick volcanic sequence of pillow lavas...
Page 41 of the report has a great figure showing the intersections of the different formations in the area.
Tldr: volcanic rock, mostly fine grained, weathers to a med gray