Please everyone be careful who you follow
Vet accounts
If you see something say something so we are all aware of it
None of us are perfect
Please everyone be careful who you follow
Vet accounts
If you see something say something so we are all aware of it
None of us are perfect
So we must stick together and help each other
I have noticed if I alert others so they can decide if they want to follow them or not, I have been blocked by people Idk. It's weird.
It will take me a long time to vet all these new follows, but I'll feel better.
Helping each other is the way we build strong!
To, two, too
Their, there, they’re
Your, you’re
Sometimes, the intricacies of English are our friends.
• getting warned on Matryoshka's new posts with fake videos as you encounter them
• or hiding them for you altogether: