He's got two of the worst Ashes in the game there (useless), TWO shields??? A magic rapier on top of a magic katana, and has all of radahns set when you only need pieces of it. Like where do you even start.
1. He's fat-rolling, which is a bad idea, unless you're doing a very specific build.
2. He's got a staff and 2 melee weapons in his main hand, which is idiotic. If you're going to go with a battle mage build, you want the staff in the off-hand.
3. 2 different shields equipped simultaneously!?
The amount of funny details is astounding. Like it's really not making fun of someone for improvising a build and messing up here and there. He made a comically bad, nonsense choice in every category
it's absolutely horrendous. stat wise, the spread is atrocious, the inventory (two shields???), he's "heavy load" which means you can't roll, it's utterly insane and *inefficient* for what he's trying to do.
It's not even cool as a concept build that ignores efficiently for a theme. It's still all over the place. A man too zooted out of his mind to have a coherent thought about what he was trying to accomplish, to the point that he shared it in public without shame
The soreseal is something you use in precisely 1 scenario:
1. You're at a low level and need it to boost your stats so you can meet weapon requirements.
exactly! and you should ditch soreseal or scarseal as soon as you hit the stat requirements! the more I look at his build the more I want to dissect his brain and study it for science
There's a lot wrong with it tbh, he has two shields in his equipment slots which is pointless and he's having using an increase load capacity medallion to avoid being overburdened as a result. His stats are just all over the place imo but I'm no expert
Yeah, it's extremely heavy, tanky equipment on top of stats that don't match it. Also the stats don't make much sense for the scaling needed for the equipment he chose. He also wouldn't cast anything quickly if he tried to use spells. It's nonsense
He's got doubles of very similar items, makes no sense. The big built-in save for bad builds are the ashes (assist summons) and he has none of the ones that could possibly bail him out equipped. It's a horrible build in every single area lol
He’ll probably just cancel any Boeing contracts that compete with spacex and otherwise give a stamp of approval for meat cleaver cuts to anything not fash
2. He's got a staff and 2 melee weapons in his main hand, which is idiotic. If you're going to go with a battle mage build, you want the staff in the off-hand.
3. 2 different shields equipped simultaneously!?
1. You're at a low level and need it to boost your stats so you can meet weapon requirements.
He's at level 140 or thereabouts...