Someone with some pull needs to organize a near total shutdown of the country. For as long as it takes. Crater the stock market. Lock down the ports. They want to destroy our way of life? We burn, you burn with us.
History is pretty cyclical. And this feels like it’s doing a combo platter of everything right before we got a Roosevelt. I just want to punch everything. I rolled down my window and shouted at a dude charging his Cybertruck. I’m not that fucking guy. But today I was. I’m just mad. All the time.
I haven't had a beer in almost a month. Been doing really well abstaining. Tonight I had one then immediately went to an NA. Because I KNEW it was going to be a black night if I had just one more leaded. Fucking enraged
I'm lucky to have one of the first if it's kind dedicated na store in our town. Generation NA. Has helped immensely. I've been able to find na beer that comes close to what I like. The days of O' Douls as the only option is over. Thankfully