I’d be a horrible game reviewer. 99% of games I play, I love 🤷♂️
Either I know what I like or I’m easily entertained 😂
Either I know what I like or I’m easily entertained 😂
The deference between “this is bad because of XYZ” vs “I’d love this even more if it had XYZ”
netflix: why don't you ever watch any of mine?
"It sucks"
"Its good."
Ask me for details why, and:
Like final fantasy fans that argue over which ones are bad and I’m just over here enjoying them all 😂
Which is really fine.
If the muse strikes you, Go Ahead and Review Them.
The worst that can happen is an opposing opinion, which is bound to happen. You can't please everyone, 🤷♂️
I’d give Superman 64 a not horrible score bc
“Heehoo glitch funny”
Even when I find a game underwhelming, I'm good as long as it is playable and fairly enjoyable in spite of the shortcomings.
I'd definitely be in the same camp as you for rating games these days😅
I think it comes from being able to have nuanced opinions on things. Like yes, is everyone going to like this game? No.
But I really love the good things about it and can see what they were trying to do.
I’ll die as Tears of the Kingdom’s biggest defender, I swear. 😂
Definitely not a job for me 😅
I’m definitely okay with being an enjoyer and that’s it 👏🏼
Been gaming on everything since an Atari 👴
I’m just amazed at how games today are even possible. Show me Horizon when I was 6 and I would’ve called you a liar haha