All sorts of games! Typically 4,5 or 6 players, anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes, and usually medium weight. I have no problem with games that stray from that a bit as well. Just interested to see some personal favorites of others. Bonus points for niche ones I haven't seen before.
Number one: Distilled by a lovely euro-y game with a beautiful production. It's very pleasant and fun, plays up to five and all the rules make sense thematically which makes the teach easier.
Plays up to how many robots you can get your hands on but the base game goes up to four.
Plays up to nine players who don't mind a heavy rules teach and think it's more important to tell a story/cause chaos then to win.
It plays up to five and with only four rounds in the whole it doesn't overstay its welcome.
Both times we played it was with six players which was chaotic but very funny.