Bondage riggers into rope often have very distinctive styles. Did anyone else play with G, who I'll refer to as TC (his consistent Recon handle was TiedCowboy)?
Unlike C, TC favoured relatively narrow or thick cord woven into an intricate network with lots of cinching and diagonal cross-roping.
Unlike C, TC favoured relatively narrow or thick cord woven into an intricate network with lots of cinching and diagonal cross-roping.
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TC was also into the concept of the "escape challenge", where he would tie me up, in some leather outfit or other, and challenge me to free myself. Sometimes I'd be successful, sometimes not.
That way, we both eventually have the satisfaction of a rope tie from which I absolutely cannot free myself.
He'd concentrate on wrist roping in particular, ensuring that as well as being thoroughly bound to each other, my hands were anchored (usually in the small of my back) so they couldn't travel left, right, up or down.
He needed no persuading where through-the-crotch roping was concerned.