Sure thing ^^ so my OC is a Warforged mixed with Star Wars (the detachable mask is from the Mandalorians helm) and Warhammer 40k (Armor, outfit and rest of the helmet that’s not the mask).
Brief lore: He woke up on a battlefield long forgotten, doesn’t remember who he was, saw himself in one of nearby puddles. Terrified from his skeleton like looks, he covered himself up with armor and clothing left on the field, so he doesn’t scare anyone. Now he’s on a journey to find out who he was
Below are the banners for the domains of gloomy Raoul, frigid Agatha, and distant Kaijan. Raoul's expansive capital lies in a dark vale, born as a rebellious colony. Agatha lies to the north, at the site of a great undead war, standing as a bulwark of faith.
Kaijan lies to the east, an empire composed of nine domains united by its immortal and secular mage emperor and his enlightened ambition.
These three lie in a tense alliance, forged in Agatha's great war against the elves, tenuously balanced between their contradictions and mutual interests.
This is Kibora, a half-oni and bears an ancient demon inside him. From his oni bloodline he controls fire, and from the demon inside him he controls lightning and other demonic powers. Being over 2300 years old he has learned to harness his powers to defend his kingdom from all manner of threats
I don't really have pics of my characters for the most part but I do have a sad goth mouseboi from the War of Immortals playtest that I am very excited to find a new home for.
Hey Minerva! This is Oblivion. He is a masked warrior who fought to save his world, but during the final fight, somehow both saved and got exiled from it. He now wanders from realm to realm, interacting with people and fighting whatever mindless monsters that pop up. Hope ya like him!
Henki is new to the lineup. A cheeky Djinn who's hopped world to world over countless ages and typically sets up shop somewhere secluded. Should anyone visit him, they'll get 1 wish. Assuming they follow HIS strict rules. He will not grant lazy wishes (riches, etc).
L-Train. He tends to be a bit of a recluse despite wanting to hang out with friends. He's laid back and tends to mess around with the different mechanics of his locomotive body. He also has a knack for talking himself out of situations that his smart mouth gets him in trouble for in the first place.
RWBY OC made since the red trailer first released, Cornell Redwulf based off of Bigby (BigBadWolf)Powers unbreakable metal but thanks to Bigby and it being a primal force it mutated the ability to be on par with a symbiotic metal (I would say more but this is over a decade of story lol)
She got no name yet but she is an angry little lady that wants to destroy the society she lives in and she can summon a big monkee to smash people with.
So, I don't have any art yet because I want to do a documentation project to show that even a total amateur can invest time to make a VTuber model for free, but I can give you a brief description.
Basically a magic IT guy for a death investment business (think renting corpses so fam get money)
But, to collect lost adventurers and for fun, he adventures while possessing his little gryphon undead familiar to be able to kinda hide as "just a little guy". He loves using plants and other such as support for his undead and to break down the bodies when it's time for them to be interned.
My name is [Redacted] but you can call me Syndra or Syn. I’m an Aztec Demi-god that was sealed away due to [Redacted]. After several millennium the seals finally weakened allowing me to break free by tearing into another dimensional plane.
OUU I'll take any chance to talk about my lil guy!!
This is Buddy [He/They]
He came to me in a dream so he's really special to me 💚
He's 20" tall, unknown age but acts young. Cant speak but has an ability that makes you able to understand what he wants and feels. He loves flowers, and is very sweet!
Jarak Treides. Ex-Volstrucker who betrayed the the Cerberus Assembly (from Critical Role). A no-nonsense mage hunter looking for redemption from his sins, as well as trying to save his student from going down the same dark path he was forced on
This is Sara Salann. Her gimmick is that she generates power through g-force; by running fast and doing flips. It makes her stronger and faster, but starts to break down her body after a while.
She's not sure how she got it, but someone told her she wears the tatters of a god's dream like a scarf.
Um, this is my alien OC that I like to shove into superhero-related things...
Her name is Shennrai, and she hails from the Toruu Clan of the planet Raruunek. They attempted to settle on Earth in the past but were driven away by humanity, hence global myths of dragons.
The Malice King.
A shadow monster that was created eons ago by Eldritch gods. He’s the living embodiment of the fear of darkness, and is every bit as evil as he looks. He’s been tormenting humanity since his birth, with an apocalyptic end goal. His only weakness is light, especially magical light
I have a kind of AU OC; it’s Android 19 from a DBZ AU I doodle for.
His whole thing is that in an alt timeline he, along with a couple other Androids manage to break free from Gero’s programming and after wishing to become cyborgs like 17 and 18 reintegrate into society.
This is my one piece oc Guila! She has the dog-dog devil fruit that allows her to change into Ifrit. She’s a strong bitch who will fiercely protect those she considers family and I love her to death.
Well >_>, Mythany, my other OC in my picture, she came from the MGQ, universe; the story itself, is awesome leaving out the 18+ she is a guardian in my comic, long story short, she is a flirt, trouble maker, very understanding, she can transform from human form to dragon form, she does magic too! 🤐
This is Celeste [it/its] the accident prone captain of the uss oops. it tries regularly to be cool but will generaly trip or fall. It usually is very talkative but will sometimes rely on sign language ^^
He’s from an upcoming DND campaign im in ^^
Below are the banners for the domains of gloomy Raoul, frigid Agatha, and distant Kaijan. Raoul's expansive capital lies in a dark vale, born as a rebellious colony. Agatha lies to the north, at the site of a great undead war, standing as a bulwark of faith.
These three lie in a tense alliance, forged in Agatha's great war against the elves, tenuously balanced between their contradictions and mutual interests.
So, this is the main character from my Urban Fantasy series, Phoenix McGee.
He's attuned to the clockwork nature of the universe and can manipulate universal forces, however he can't adult his way out of a paper bag.
The other figure is the serial killed known as Empty
have Lura 🐲, Vesryn 🌕, Wicke 🕯️ and Gloria ☮️!
This is River. They are bard and "sword dancer". They glow in the dark, are essentially a water genasi and drinks tea any chance they get.
You get ONE. Use it well.
Take good care of her
Woe, panda upon ye
Basically a magic IT guy for a death investment business (think renting corpses so fam get money)
This is Buddy [He/They]
He came to me in a dream so he's really special to me 💚
He's 20" tall, unknown age but acts young. Cant speak but has an ability that makes you able to understand what he wants and feels. He loves flowers, and is very sweet!
Lvl 15 Monster Slayer Ranger in my DnD campaign
She's not sure how she got it, but someone told her she wears the tatters of a god's dream like a scarf.
Her name is Shennrai, and she hails from the Toruu Clan of the planet Raruunek. They attempted to settle on Earth in the past but were driven away by humanity, hence global myths of dragons.
She is a very stoic lady.
A shadow monster that was created eons ago by Eldritch gods. He’s the living embodiment of the fear of darkness, and is every bit as evil as he looks. He’s been tormenting humanity since his birth, with an apocalyptic end goal. His only weakness is light, especially magical light
His whole thing is that in an alt timeline he, along with a couple other Androids manage to break free from Gero’s programming and after wishing to become cyborgs like 17 and 18 reintegrate into society.
Headshot sketch is by @/angelbunvt !!
Art by
Kong, and his daughter Iesuy 🥹🤍
Kong is an ex Sumoringer and a bit grumpy but he's a sweet old bebi 👀
Roxane, Katia and Justine! ☺️💕✨