Outer Wilds is a game where you spend 90% of it feeling stupid and trying to make 2+2 = chair, but backwards. Then when you understand what you're doing you have an existential crisis.
And then you beat the game.
And then you cry.
Please play Outer Wilds.
#Art #Outerwilds #MinArt
And then you beat the game.
And then you cry.
Please play Outer Wilds.
#Art #Outerwilds #MinArt
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And fuck Dark Bramble! Just all the fucks!
I've read, watched, and played a lot of scifi, and enjoyed most of it. Outer Wilds is The Best, and one of these days I gotta quit being a coward and play the DLC.
...That...and the Sixth Traveller *sobbing over piano*
“Man, where am i even supposed to be going?”
After beating Outer wilds:
“Banjos make me cry now, this is permanent”
Will attempt it again >w>’