Biden HAD TO pardon Hunter. The Mango One would have otherwise continually gone after him FOR NO LOGICAL REASON other than being a Biden.
Fuck you & fuck Trump
Hilarious that Trump in any way shape or form can even begin to feign that he has any morality left in his obese body and yes I can say obese cause I’m also a fatty fat guy
Can we please ignore some of the batshit crazy and stupid things Trump says? Stop giving his statements oxygen! It’s going to be a loooong 4 years of this!
Love Jon, but he spent way too much time on the pardon. Focus on the incoming cabinet, there’s SO much material! So much corruption to address that will actually affect American lives way more than that one pardon ever will.
Well Hunter Biden never attacked our Capital, spread feces on the walls, broke windows, injured or killed Capital Police and stole government property, so there’s that you moron. 🙄
Isn't this the guy who asked for complete immunity from the Supreme Court and got it? Hey mainstream media - maybe you should revisit that story. After all, Trump is going to be PRESIDENT.
The thing is.....if Trump was currently in office and leaving at the end of his term and Don Jr. had done the same as Hunter, Trump would have pardoned him in a heartbeat!!!!
- Blagojevich, Milken, Arpaio, D'Souza, Lorance, Kerik, Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Bannon, Papadopoulos
- 3 who committed war crimes in Iraq
- Rs: Collins, D Hunter, S Stockman, R Renzi, R Hayes, M Siljander, R Cunningham
- Execs & Drs. who committed Medicare fraud
FUCK YOU TRUMP, FUCK YOU. Trump pardoned a GI who slaughtered mutilple civillains, mostly women and children. He pardoned a murderer, who murdered again recently. He will continue to pardon seditioners, rapists and felons. FUCK YOU Trump. FU.
So your assignment for next week is to spend your time investigating Trump's pardons cuz you like to show both sides do it. Let's start with the military guy that it took such strength for his troop to report against his war crimes that Trump pardoned.
Dang it Jon! You really see what Trump "feels" doj does is anything what is happening and the NEED to pardon Hunter because it won't be the law it'll be... oh what did Trump call it again? Retribution! It's not helpful that you confuse people by equating things that are not near equivalent.
Fuck you & fuck Trump
Sadly, that can't be said about the J6 insurrectionists or their instigator.
Because Elmo is going to be the Pseudo President, folks should start calling Trump as what he is.
PINO - President In Name Only.
See how MAGA heads will explode 💥🤯
Thank me later 👋🏻
- Blagojevich, Milken, Arpaio, D'Souza, Lorance, Kerik, Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Bannon, Papadopoulos
- 3 who committed war crimes in Iraq
- Rs: Collins, D Hunter, S Stockman, R Renzi, R Hayes, M Siljander, R Cunningham
- Execs & Drs. who committed Medicare fraud
& others who PAID