Simple...Trump's the unwanted, rejected son who will do anything for daddy's approval.
There's several ways to manipulate that overriding desire for acceptance from someone he looks up to. Because wow, of all things, Trump's a people pleaser.
Quit giving this deluded asshole air time. The only question John Bolton needs to be asked is this: If you had a chance to testify and hold the oompa loompa accountable, why did you blow off the subpoena? Over and over and over.
Great interview.
What he really means, that is too much for some to belive, still (incredibly).
They're not republicans, they're fucking closet-neo's. Playing christians while hiding in the church. Scared to get shot, ofc.
But bolder every day..
How about F John Bolton.
When he was called to get rid of 🍊🤡, he failed to answer the call.
Let's stop making such people rich, and thinking they have profound things to say.
I owe my allegiance to the ideals of this republic, not to any red-topper man who craves unchecked power. America does not anoint kings, and I will not pretend otherwise. Those who seek to rule as monarchs will find only resistance from those who still believe in freedom.
John Boltun helped create Trump. He supported Trump, voted for Trump, and worked for Trump until he couldn't stand the stupidity anymore. Sorry Boltun, you have an ownship of Trump 2.0.
I can imagine discussions in the Russian spy agencies that cheeto wouldn't be a good secret agent because he's too dumb, and they should choose someone else.
Because there are some incredibly smart and ruthless people surrounding Trump that not only know how to play Trump like a puppet, but also how to play the masses.
Plus Faux News 24/7/365 & constant lies & gaslighting has never been shut down by Dems & media is owned by gqp donors. Plus that mango moron felon was not arrested FIRST.
Never in MY LIFE would've I thought Bolton was somewhat logical, or even impartial. Surely the 🌍 must be ending. The thought I live in a time were I must listen to him to get some unbiased thoughts is cringeworthy. I guess I've broadened my horizons, so I honestly thank Bolton for that (true).
I think the sad part is the general consensus that you have actually elected a fucking moron to presidency. Most powerful job in the world. How does shit like that even happen?
It appears we have dumbed down our citizens and never required critical thinking skills. Look at us! We speak one language, over 1/2 listen to Fox all day and get only right wing info. We are now the dumbest country, just look at our self proclaimed King.
More people did vote but he purged the view roles. There are so many uncounted votes out there and his intimidation campaign scared a lot. His minions sending people home saying the piles are closed when they weren't.
There's several ways to manipulate that overriding desire for acceptance from someone he looks up to. Because wow, of all things, Trump's a people pleaser.
Moron Donald Trump is
Putin’s useful idiot.
What he really means, that is too much for some to belive, still (incredibly).
They're not republicans, they're fucking closet-neo's. Playing christians while hiding in the church. Scared to get shot, ofc.
But bolder every day..
When he was called to get rid of 🍊🤡, he failed to answer the call.
Let's stop making such people rich, and thinking they have profound things to say.
That's the problem even with liberal comedians.
There are enough of you, to make this happen 20 minutes, 4 days a week. Think of it as your civic duty.
The article, along with added extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
Dictators are bad
As simple as this is, it’s on point.
Judges also accept:
-national security risk
-“fucking moron”
I literal heard my friend today shrug his way into saying he didn’t think we ever needed social security.
The man is 3 years from RETIREMENT!!
I can’t speak up anymore but I just looked at him with………….
Ignorance is celebrated, and every millionaire who "didn't go to school" reinforces this mythology.
I grew up with these people
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.