I remembered reading something with a similar concept and had to go dig it out of my bookshelf. It was Fury, a short story by Alastair Reynolds. This one seems to have different circumstances, though. I wonder if they somehow became the suit, or if the suit absorbed their memories and identity.
Thank you sincerely on giving me a big inspiration with this... Rather grim drawing. It reminded me of a scrapped concept I had for one of my characetrs, in a world i am making. So I am reworking it with this as major inspiration. I do hope you don't mind that ^^;
Totally unaware that they've long since died and they are friendly and kind, makes my stomach swirl but in a good way, also your characters looking like smooth kobolds makes me quite happy
Reminds me a bit of the life preservation suits in old world blues, you know the ones with the skeletons in em that were supposed to take soldiers out of combat by moving in their own?
This is what happens when we program something to keep someone alive and don't quite specify, it can result in very fun scenarios where you get linked into the machine and it becomes their body
Or yknow something ghosty could've happened too but that's kinda boring comparatively imo
It’s kinda always bouncing around in the back of my brain
sneak peak, if you are interested!
You love to see it
Totally unaware that they've long since died and they are friendly and kind, makes my stomach swirl but in a good way, also your characters looking like smooth kobolds makes me quite happy
Tldr: Kobold factory cool
I live for this. And aces alt text too, thank you!
I'd love to see more c:
Reminds me a bit of the life preservation suits in old world blues, you know the ones with the skeletons in em that were supposed to take soldiers out of combat by moving in their own?
I like it! Though because they're so friendly I want someone to do some repair work on them.
Also I wonder what would happen if you removed the corpse in there....perhaps the mind of the occupant is now absorbed by the suit?
it's a weird requirement, but keeping it in mind for the upload might help
(they might raise it at some point, but no certain dates right now)
Or yknow something ghosty could've happened too but that's kinda boring comparatively imo
Really wish you had a gallery for your art, with your Twitter account down its even harder to browse what you've worked on.
Wishing you the best!