I’ve always had a doomsday stash of at least one thousand in cash . I’m seriously upping that by 4 fold or more but keep a minimum for automatic deductions like rent & phone .
I'm saving for the inevitable GIANT DIP in the market so I can ride it back to recovery. This had happened many times during DJTs presidency and He will surely cause many more. The market has always corrected for this type of outlandish stupidity in the past. But also Cash will be important.
They want you to feel that way so you'll buy crypto. And that's so they can legally fleece you out of your money. If you want a safe haven, buy gold. But honestly, just don't listen to the noise. They know if you're scared, they can separate you from your money.
Definitely do not keep your money in a bank account. It's safer if it's protected by your second amendment rights. Those 20 year old criminals working for musk have your bank info now, your money is at risk!