Thank you! yep, there's a couple of add-ons I find very handy: Grease Pencil Tools and GP Draw Transform, both by and a couple little timeline utilities I made myself for adding blank keyframes n stuff
Ooo thank you, ill give those a look! One I use for many tools is the GoPanel, lets me switch between draw mode tools, edit mode tools, and sculpt mode tools on the fly, and works great with my Tourbox. I did a clean-up job in GP for a Lego Avengers short, its honestly a great program.
Curious to know more about the timeline utility tools you made to ease your GP workflow !
About adding blank keyframes, not so long ago, it was added in the toolbar of the storytools addon I'm working on.
Would gladly get feedback on this one :
I made this Keyframes panel a while back then later noticed your Storytools add-on has something similar. I often switch to yours when I want to add keyframes of the current drawing, which mine doesn't have. I also added this little View Layers and Collections tool for compositing Grease Pencil.
Glad I found you on here you were always a huge inspiration to me!
About adding blank keyframes, not so long ago, it was added in the toolbar of the storytools addon I'm working on.
Would gladly get feedback on this one :