I’ll harp on this forever: it’s a scandal that there’s no media coverage of the astonishingly large and violent white supremacist and neo-Nazi community on Twitter - or the way that community is directly protected and promoted by the site’s owner, one of the world’s most important political figures
Reposted from
Joe Katz
I'm also gonna suggest again for the op-ed writers than instead of writing the 20th "iS bLuEsKy aN eChO cHaMbEr?" thinkpiece you maybe ought to write about how people left Twitter because they were being threatened with sexual assault. Unless you're too much of a coward to make Daddy Elon mad.
How about Afrikaner supremacist Elon Musk...
HAS America been sold
to a small group of well-funded investors who now have
controlling interest and will be governing as an
Ersatz Oligarchy
something. These people want to reinstitute the worst horrors of the 20th century, it is their motive force. And Musk is promoting their ideology