Fingers crossed the Generals who took the Oath to the Constitution and not Diaper Donnie will act.
No one sees the danger of an administration loyal to Moscow like the Generals who have made Russian invasion plans.
One could see when his facial expression was so dark during trial appearances. As if he was plotting already against poor immigrants who have nothing to do with any of it. Funny, how the rich always strikes at those who are the most vulnerable.
This is exactly what talks about in her book "Strongmen". Highly recommended reading this book to understand the history of dictatorships and how it is being repeated as we watch this unfold with our own eyes.
With that "national emergency" designation, the Trump administration can do so much more than using the military to round up migrants. Arresting protestors, dissenters, etc. You think an administration that is so heavy handed will bother to check/verify citizenship?
Meanwhile Mikey Johnson is on the Sunday shows saying 'only criminals not all undocumented immigrants'. Whose vision will out?
If it's Trumps, prepare for eggs (and everything else) to SKYROCKET when no one shows up to work in food processing plants, pick crops, change linens. #MassDeportation
Is Mexico going to pay for all of this, because imprisoning & then deporting people is EXPENSIVE!
Newsflash, eliminating all other federal agencies (except DOD & DHS) won’t solve any budget issues. Agency budgets are minuscule compared to % owed on loans & entitlements.
Unfortunately, that wasn't me being optimistic. I think that it's going to be a shit show. I think there are liberal soldiers who will refuse to follow orders against their own people, but the Trump supporters will follow those orders. The coup will start in the military and move from there.
Hope the small gov magats enjoy having to pass through multiple military check points and having to show three forms of state issued id everyday on their way out.
I don't think people understand that US citizens will be caught up in this
The US military will be activated against US citizens
These families are made up of both and what happens if someone fights back or tries to flee?
Our military is not trained for that
Do they shoot US citizens?
There are many non-citizens in our military and I'll bet they're brown and they will be called to duty for this?!
We may never get over the damage that this man is going to perpetrate on us.
All of this seems to be revelatory to my 'friends' that used to post daily hateful posts about how great and love-filled life will be under Trump.
Absolute crickets now (but for dog pics) especially since the wacko departmental appointments have been announced.
Also, saying that this will cost us 88 billion a year, which either will raise our taxes or raise federal debt.
Estimated 20 million people will cost us 1,076,000,000 trillion dollars.
Come join Canada. Cascadia, the Yankee States, certainly Minnesota...I think we'd get along.
Well, or maybe I'd just like to have easy access to San Francisco, and New York. (laughs)
But - hey! - we've got healthcare, poutine and lots of peace and quiet.
Hitler’s concentration camps held about 250,000 people at their peak though they also “processed” some 7 or 8 million people. Stalin’s Gulag held about 2.5 million. trump’s system of camps will be 10x as extensive as Stalin’s Gulag.
Enjoy the almost $90 billion per year cost on top of the Increased cost because we will no longer have immigrants doing work like picking produce and doing construction and working in the oil industry, etc. Then add the tariff costs. He’s going to run us into a recession if not a depression.
I don't care anymore. If voting for cheaper eggs was worth all this, people have their priorities completely messed up. I'm all for watching the FO phrase because it's not like we haven't warned people enough.
They are going to tank this economy to demolish what’s in the way ,,,, the middle class . Resist . Organize get involved talk not argue with people ! We need each other even the ones who watched Fox News for the trump decade. 🇺🇸🗽✌️
He will use every available loophole to execute his plans. Those controlling him know every single one of them and exactly how to use it. This is going to be so much worse than people think.
Remember when tolls hit the roads to fix them. The roads got fixed, the tolls stayed, and everyone pays. I predict the same with deploying military on our streets, one the deportation is done, the military stays, and we all will pay.
This is DIRECTLY out of the Handmaids Tale #WelcomeToGilead women, take your gender off your bank accounts, renew your passport, find a support Canadian or Mexican, service and gas up your car NOW
this threat feeds extortion for bribes to avoid deportation & is a red herring to derail attention to other more serious issues like overturning the constitution, setting a precedent for the SJC to overturn Posse comitatus & to hide corrupt income from foreign gov's for favored decisions
How many believe that those people will actually reach a destination other than their final one? They’re talking about cutting expenses. Are we really going to trust that they’ll put people on a plane & deliver them to another country safely?
For those of us with loved ones in the military or who have served, this is personal. It’s disgusting on a level that cannot be described.
To use us for something so cruel is nauseating and infuriating.
Imagine being in the military and know that some of your family members or friends or mere acquaintances are here illegally! Do you go and snitch on them and then grab them? Can't imagine anything more horrifying.
I am doubtful. He doesn't have the guts to spend billions getting rid of all the workers. He'd collapse the economy. I really don't see it happening, as much as he wants it. I find myself struggling to comprehend the enormity of how horrible he'll make things.
I really, really hope the Generals are prepared for this scenario, and how they will respond to his idiocy. Why couldn't we just lock him in a padded room with a VR headset and make him think he's president for the rest of his life?
I think a lot will depend on how far he takes this "culling of woke generals" he mentioned last week... And, I'm sorry, has he met generals? Like, they are the least woke group you would ever see! 😆
Also so many of the military personnel are immigrants. And of many different cultures. And the majority of the MAGAts are old unhealthy white people who can't go to their mailbox without having to use their inhaler. JustAnother thought 💭
Last time I heard there's 11 million undocumented immigrants and I don't know how many are documented and citizens. But you can bet every one of them are armed. So the very diverse military will have a huge problem trying to round up the majority of immigrants to deport. Just a thought 💭
The rank and file have been consistently brainwashed by Fox broadcasts throughout military facilities. The Defense department should have banned Fox years ago as a source of propaganda and lies.
No one sees the danger of an administration loyal to Moscow like the Generals who have made Russian invasion plans.
Trump wrote that reports of him using the military to roundup and deport people is true.
I’m not shocked at all,and no one should be.So sad🤔.
If it's Trumps, prepare for eggs (and everything else) to SKYROCKET when no one shows up to work in food processing plants, pick crops, change linens. #MassDeportation
Newsflash, eliminating all other federal agencies (except DOD & DHS) won’t solve any budget issues. Agency budgets are minuscule compared to % owed on loans & entitlements.
Guess Oz needs a show.
The US military will be activated against US citizens
These families are made up of both and what happens if someone fights back or tries to flee?
Our military is not trained for that
Do they shoot US citizens?
We may never get over the damage that this man is going to perpetrate on us.
Absolute crickets now (but for dog pics) especially since the wacko departmental appointments have been announced.
Concentration camps to gather before they are transported.
Estimated 20 million people will cost us 1,076,000,000 trillion dollars.
California, it’s time—please secede now. And take OR and WA with you.
Well, or maybe I'd just like to have easy access to San Francisco, and New York. (laughs)
But - hey! - we've got healthcare, poutine and lots of peace and quiet.
This is going to be the biggest Cluster F in American history and using the US Military, what a mess.
He said it strait forward. Vote for me and you will never need to vote again. We will fix everything.
To use us for something so cruel is nauseating and infuriating.
Trump has 4 years of bigots signing up to imprison migrants & their children
They've had 4-8 years to get promoted
They will follow his orders after he gets rid of the leaders that will oppose him
This is his design