Context is important. This was on a satirical talk show and the person being discussed was Bill de Blasio. The host was exaggerating about de Blasio's efforts to stifle Asian student success and achievements in schools.
SSSSH, you hear that? That is the silent rage of the DNC responding to all the vile disgusting GOP behavior as part of their 2016-2024 "Don't worry, the MAGA Party will implode hoisting with its own Petard" campaign strategy!
I can see republicans wanting to kill all smart people. They would then be the smart people instead if ignorant morons that they are. Fox leads the pack in stupid and evil.
The attack against education and intelligence is vet Mao- and Pol Pot-like. The fact that it’s being perpetrated, in many instances, by Ivy Leaguers adds to the horror.
As an Asian, this is highly disgusting. When Trump called COVID the CHYNA virus, Asian racism blew up. I was on a flight from Dallas to Charleston sitting in 1st class and some girl who was suppose to sit next to me, refused to look at me and ran to an empty seat once everyone boarded.
Thank you, it just lets you know the real character of people. We have gone to the most respected 1st world country to becoming the laughingstock once more.
Then had the audacity to glare at me when we were getting ready to deboard. Also was given a wide berth at airports, restaurants, public places. I feared being pushed onto traffic or punched in subways like other Asians.
I am not apologizing, for I did not do this. But I do regret you, and others, had to endure not only the pandemic but the ignorant racist attitudes that arose from it.