If you're feeling guilty for supporting Trump, head on over to fox news. They'll show you how to ignore the facts, how to be passive aggressive and you'll feel much better about yourself.
And over the top alcoholism never really fully goes away. It’s a lifelong battle that many can’t overcome.
They’ll find this guy passed out somewhere and they’ll cry that he’s relapsed and that’s almost inevitable.
Their chances are less than average. There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to be honest - Chapter 5, Alcoholic Anonymous
Imagine if some of his frat Bros ever talked about what he did when he was in college. Brett Kavanaugh wasn't even a crazy one and Trump blocked every persons testimonial in confirmation.
You mean, in a clearly marked container outside of his body, right? Because "with alcohol" describes a lot of what was oozing out of his body on numerous occasions when he showed up for his weekend gig.
You know damn well that the Senate is going to confirm him so you may as well drop all the bitching and moaning and live with it. Makes me sick to my stomach
Sadly, this unqualified drunk/Fox entertainment host will be voted in by the US senate. Unfortunately, not many Republican senators have the balls to speak up and vote No. Our country’s safety is not important to those in power at the moment.
I just had to let my weak Senators know that they've fucked up and I won't forget it.
It felt so satisfying to send it to Ernst and Grassley
❤️ 🖊 📧
Please, tell your weak Republican Senators the same. I promise it'll feel good.
Text PPHLWU to 50409 or follow link. https://resist.bot/petitions/PPHLWU
I'm a ragging alcoholic, trust me,. It ain't the alcohol that disqualifies him, it his racist dumb brain. Ask him what he felt when he, if he ever did kill another human, was he brown or black?
They’ll find this guy passed out somewhere and they’ll cry that he’s relapsed and that’s almost inevitable.
It felt so satisfying to send it to Ernst and Grassley
❤️ 🖊 📧
Please, tell your weak Republican Senators the same. I promise it'll feel good.
Text PPHLWU to 50409 or follow link.
Hegseth admits he has a problem with alcohol.
Yes, that's a problem. But let's focus more on the fact that he's an O-4 that ran two MUCH SMALLER organizations into the ground.
The alcohol use is the tip of the iceberg as to his non-qualifications.