Democrats should not show up for the Trump address as they know it will be a tribute to himself. Don't stand and turn your backs either because it looks childish. Use the Democratic response the best you can.
I haven't seen anything yet! Still waiting! Hmmmm still waiting??? Still waiting for a lot of things that he promised! All l see is chaos & bullying! This is not my America! Zelenskyy kept his word & wanted security promises but Trump didn't keep his word! 🇺🇦
Oh they don’t care. I thought this would knock them out of their cult slumber. But I saw posts between them on Facebook and they still sincerely believe everything he and the illegal SA immigrant are doing is going to work out great for them. You just can’t fix stupid.
Years before Trump ever publicly considered running for president, a friend of mine (who later became a MAGA guy) had that goddamn book "The Art of the Deal" on his coffee table. Back then I was listening to Howard Stern on XM. I remember hearing about how the trump family were just con artists.
I had mentioned the story of the appliances they were using to skirt taxes in hotels and whatnot. My buddy looked at me like I had three heads, and started telling that story that Laura is always telling, the anecdote from the book about the homeless man who had more money than Don.
Hell of a storyteller, but a horrible businessman and nothing more than a swindler like his father. But, he was on T.V. and people bought into the facade. Nobody ever thought that a snake oil salesman would become a White House occupier with delusions of becoming a dictator. Just a "comeback kid."
Not only do we get expensive eggs because of tRump- he now get to be marionettes of Putin. Republicans are traders and are sleeping with our enemy- Russia.
He also promised he could end the war in Ukraine in one day. 🤨 Making America affordable again…well now, THAT can’t be expected *immediately* 🤷🏻♀️ (I’m being facetious)
The stupidest part was that it was obvious this was nothing more than hot air because when someone asked, “how?” all he could muster was, “drill baby drill.”
I wonder how they feel now, though they’d never admit being bamboozled by this FOTUS
And he won. Wow. 🤯
Immigrants eating cats and dogs.
I am your retribution.
Trump connected with people, told them what they wanted to hear, apparently.
Some voters are starting to share their buyer’s remorse.
Talk is cheap