The real issue is happening right before our eyes. Our great president has taken decisive action to accomplish a lowering of the price of Russian caviar, now that is leadership
Can you imagine the outcry from the MAGA cult if Biden's Ag. Secretary told people to start raising chickens in response to high egg prices?
More proof they take their outrage cues from their military grade propaganda machines instead of thinking for themselves.
MAGA is a cult.
Ok. I’ll give her a pass. Older ladies? There is fuck all available for us to wear that isn’t matronly or sorority sister vibes. Most men wear suits that cost 100s of dollars. She a traitorous bitch like the rest of them - but $400 for a well-made, pretty, appropriate top? My poor ass has paid more
These are the 19 Democratic senators that helped confirm the Agriculture Secretary who thinks Americans should start raising chickens if they want eggs.
I grew up in a town of 500 in rural Kansas. I tried to “raise chickens in my backyard” as a teen and the mayor made me get rid of them bc they violated the towns poultry/livestock in “city” limits ordinance. It was 2 chickens and our “city” didnt even have stoplights.
Reminds me of when some Republican congressman was bitching about the price of turkeys at Thanksgiving during “bidenflation” and cited some bougie Kobe beef version of turkeys that was $96. Mfer, eat a butterball like the rest of us peasants.
This is just as ignorant and tone deaf as when Vance suggested that parents just get grandma to watch the kids. They do not understand life outside of their own privileged bubble. It’s absurd they feel equipped to represent us.
I've been exposed to histoplasmosis TWICE in my life. I've got fucking SCARS on my retinas from those exposures. I'm not raising motherfucking chickens just so I can have eggs and risking another exposure to that nasty-ass fungus.
idiocracy,stoopidity,brain wormy brilliance,the whole chicken/ egg problem is because wild birds are spreading the diseases amongst captive livestock,by increasing the spread of virus victims by keeping chooks in new areas will only prolong the problem.Segregated,quarantined birds are the solution
I have chickens and trust me between feed, keeping their nest, and when they decide to not lay eggs for weeks my eggs are way more than at the grocery store.
Get backyard chickens.
During an Avian flu pandemic.
Touch infected chickens, and help the virus evolve to infect humans.
Of course the Trump Regime would propose this.
They are so tone deaf
Or better known as "let them eat cake!"
Is that what we have devolved too?
Well, at least we know how that ended. Not well for the French elite.
More proof they take their outrage cues from their military grade propaganda machines instead of thinking for themselves.
MAGA is a cult.
That be nice 😊
My brother has chickens.
how do you get endless mutations for bird flu?
have a melting pot of strains in every backyard!
Explains her asinine remarks too.
Fuck this manky bitch.
Made in China
Great idea!
Of course, we’ll need a nice BS story to comfort the kids the day we send off the entire flock to be euthanized for bird flu.
Got it!
We tell them the chickens will be much happier at their new home on a nice farm upstate.
It worked when the dog died.
I say, "Eat the rich!"